Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jammin' in p'jammies

WOW. It's saturday and I just realized I didn't go out of the house (apartment) for 5 days! Yesss..I was in my pj's all week long. WOW.

Don't say I was depressed or repressed or compressed. Frankly, I think I have regressed. HA! Don't get me starting.

I wasn't or didn't feel anymore lonesome. What did me in my jammies accomplished for five days? For one, I caught up on all epis of the tv shows I kinda neglected while cramming/stressing for school. Second, I rearranged some furniture and stuff (hoping to redirect the "chi" flow). Third, I brushed up on my baking and cooking (which I found out still relaxes me). And fourth, for the first time in so long, I didn't fill up the hamper with all my clothes. Yey!

Being at home and in your pjs all day long isn't so bad after all. I wasn't really in hibernation 'coz I was out there - sending out my applications to a whole lot of companies who might take notice of my talents. I watched the news, read the news and hoped I'd have some news. We'll see.

Now, I am off to play to my weekend playground. Hoping I still get some playtime schedule. Cross your walks!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The life after

And Soooo! (what the manager @ the restaurant would usually greet us - sounds more like "SAW" actually)
To continue, and SO! I finished the Professional Cooking course - fourteen months that seemed like for'eva! That is actually a great achievement for my restless be able to stay focused (not that I almost didn't make it y'know) and not give up - as compared to the masters degree I tried working on a few years back - short story: got a diff job, got distracted, diff sked, left school. There! wasn't so hard to share, was it?
And so! what got me to taking this cooking course? 16 months ago, I applied for a job I sooo wanted, didn't get hired b'cause I didn't have the right paper they were looking for. Had the right attitude, personality, but not the right paper.
And so! I enrolled and now I have the right paper but not the right job!
Is life actually toying with me now?? As soon as I knew I will be over and done with - I started planning on where and which place I would like to be. I've sent out the right paper to diff companies - and voila! I got a call from one of them - all excited and what have you - BUT!!!!...I don't have the right language! HOOOOOKAY!
And so! I got the right paper, but don't have the right language this time. RRRRIGHT!
I feel so screwed.
Have you ever felt that way? That your best is not good enough - there's always something missing.
And so! I could be missing something here - as what my aunt would tell me - if you don't find your luck here, go someplace else.
Or I can just have the right language, ce tout!

P.S. Can you believe this? All serious stuff I wrote today. WOW...must be sick.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Living with numbers

I know I know...I haven't forgotten you, my furry friends. I just had a bout of brain freeze that it took quite a bit for my brain cells to thaw.

Just so you know, it is 67 days to go for my blog anniversary (that's according to the meter on the right), 3 days for my birthday, 69 days 'til Christmas, 76 days til the new year and about 3 hours before I leave for school.

I don't know if you ever get to notice that our daily lives is surrounded by numbers. And I hate Math! I took Psychology in college thinking that I'd get away from the subject, but what d'ya know, come second semester, I had Statistics! not just 1 but 2.

As we grow older, we learn that more and more numbers rule our lives. 2 Parents, 2 siblings, 1 teacher to start, then all of a sudden you have a dozen - (that's 12 by the way) Then before you know it, you are writing your address - and it's with numbers!

Can there be some changes for a change????? Like, what if your apartment door is called apartment nutella (no number there) and then your street is called hazelnut street across walnut. Or what if your age goes for colors and not numbers? "Oh so you are in yellow age eh"...ha! means you have hepatitis or something.eew! not a good idea.
okay, we'll just stick with numbers. FOR NOW...until somebody thinks of something....

In the meantime, it's almost 12 noon, and I only have about 3 hours get ready.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Apathy may be the answer

Today, I am going to try to give the best advice (so far) I can give my person. (Hey, you should see the sign up @ the airport "...your person may be searched")

Here's the thing: I am developing some kind of disgust at some people I met recently. And I hate feeling that way. It's a major "stressor" for me. And I suppose for a lot of you out there and beyond. There's nothing more stressful than being around people who are born to stress others. It is just who they are. Aliens of another world. They like to see people suffer the same fate as they are in. Bozos. Losers.

Okay, so far it is working now, I don't need to give this advice to my "person" but I should type it anyway...

Point of the matter is: YOU (yes, you my person), is not in their level. You are far better than who and where they are. They are jealous of what you can become after you are done being around them.

It is not fair to cradle the thoughts of a loser especially when you know yourself, you are not born to be one.

So what if they wanted to stress you out by being mean. YOU know who you are and UNFORTUNATELY for them, they don't. Because if they did, maybe you could have shared your blessings with them - and perhaps, eventually change their alien form - NOT!

I call them aliens from another world because if they were aliens from this world then maybe there's a chance to be human.

There's about 54 hours left you need to spend with them, they don't need to be a part of your life. But think of it as a reminder that these types of aliens exist and YOU should know that your best bet is not to be affected by them - they are not worth it!

There, I hope my person is comprehending this and will remember this word - "apathy". It's a good defense for aliens of another world.

Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

When Wisdom is Not Essential

I had the final two of my wisdom teeth pulled out today.

The other two was pulled out around fall last year. Now, I live without "wisdom". But no worries my furry friends, I still have my happiness, wit and charm. Isn't life exciting?

Yes, since being without my "wisdom" teeth, I suppose that as long as you still have your "happiness", "wit", and "charm" - you will be okay. I must admit though, it may be a bit hard for the others to keep up - since "wisdom" has four pillars assigned.

Nevertheless, life should go on amidst pain and challenges (at least for the first 24 hours).

In the meantime, don't expect any words of advice from me, ain't got any.

(p.s. this is by far, my shortest post, I think)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Name Change

Whew! as you can see from your navigation tool bar - I've decided to change the name of this blog. It's still the same blog, my furry friends. Just a different address.

Why? you may want to ask. Okay, you don't want to ask but I will tell you anyway.

I feel like I've outgrown the crazeegirl thing. I am not really crazy to begin with (just in denial). And I think a new name is in order. However order you may want to be in. There you lost me.

Seriously, the new name will hopefully bring out some new perspective in my life specifically - because by the way, it is my blogsite, right? But of course if it was yours and you're the one writing it, then it will be a new perspective in YOUR life. Okay, lost me again.

To go back to what I'm trying to convey. Perhaps a new name will motivate and inspire this blog-a-bunch for more in depth analysis of what's out there.

Why bubble, again you might ask. But if you don't want to ask, I will tell you anyway.

Bubble, not because of the leader of the powerpuff girls (minus the "s"), but simply because, the "world" has already been taken. Get it? Ha! But really, the word "world" is already taken. Can you believe that phrase? The world has already been taken. Yay! by who?? I'm scared now. Ha!

So I suppose I can never be so serious with whatever thought pops into my (bubble)head. But seriously, I am a firm believer that our lives need some toning down of seriousnessities (okay, completely lost!).

I am going to write more, I promise, my furry friends. Right now, I am just too tired to even entertain any thought provoking "thoughts" creeping into my mind.

After all, summer is knocking at my door.

Come on in!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

PEOPLE equals DESSERTS (Part One)

It's Sunday morning and it dawned on me. Yes, a lot of things has been "dawning" on me lately.While making fudge - I realized that people in our lives (yours and mine, my furry friends) - are like desserts. Here's the analogy I came up - while stirring my butterscotch fudge:

People can sometimes be like:

COOKIES - you hold them too tight and they can crumble before it reaches your mouth. And if you let them cool down a bit after coming out of the oven, you can hold them easy and both of you end up happy - you appreciate 'em and they don't burn your tongue. Awww!

FUDGE - as most desserts, they can take awhile to make - the constant stirring so it won't stick to your saucepan. Most people like to be constantly motivated, thus, "stirred" to get to their goals. Nothing wrong with that I guess, but if you get distracted, they too get distracted and would rather not be where they would want to be. Another look at fudge - people see 'em, they never think twice - but just swallow 'em whole. Yes, there are peeps out there that can swallow you whole too, my furry friends - so be warned!

CHEESECAKE - takes time to make but if you wait long enough (like the next day), you can actually enjoy the fruits of your labor (or others'). Same goes with peeps in your life, if you stick around long enough - you get to enjoy their company and know their real "flavor" or lack of it. Ha!

I wanted to post more but I don't have the luxury of time today. I am making fudge and cheesecake today. And cookies you say? Nah, I am concentrating on those two for now.

So - to go back to my analogy of peeps and desserts - I think it's a pretty good one. Looking at the people in your life as desserts - they add color to your everyday existence. And hey, who doesn't like desserts, anyway?

That's it for now my furry friends. This is just part ONE. Don't ask me how many parts I am planning to make of it, 'coz I got no answer to that one just yet.

'Til next!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Powerpuff Gurl

It's confirmed. I joined the Powerpuff girls
since I last visited my doctor. He prescribed the blue and the orange puffers. Yep!...I joined the wagon of puffies (that doesn't sound right, does it?)
Given no choice (see my previous blog about coughing), he thinks I could use a break and maybe I "maybe" developing (excuse me, redundancy here) asthma. Oh, he's such a worry wart! I'm fine! I'm breathing! That's all that matters, right? Wrong! At least that's what he said.
But no worries, my furry friends. I'm not allergic to furs. So we can still hang out in fairy land. Nice....
In the meantime, we'll just have to wait and see if I'd still huff and puff and blooooowwwwwww the house down! (Hey, I'm no bully!)
Seriously, it's no cause for any alarm (as long as you got the right timer! ha!). Okay, can't be serious.
But if you can think of a nice name for my new identity as a powerpuff girl - that would be G-R-E-A-T! (for those of you who needs a review: the names of the original 3: blossom, bubbles, buttercup - geez! watch more tv!)

P.S. What about Bundles? Ha! like I'm a bundle of whatever bundles you can think of! Yes! including bundle of yarn!

Monday, May 25, 2009


My song for the week...I think..

And I thought people chase dreams and not pavements! Yay...if you chase the pavement, might hurt ya. Ouch!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Heat is On!

Really. The Heat-er is still ON! It's almost the end of May and our building apartment still has it's freakin' heater on! And at night! I am literally "grillin'" mad about it! But I should stop shouting, right?!

Honestly, the past few days I've been worried how come each time I come home, I start coughing my brains out (not exaggerating here- but I think I almost lost some of it in the sink). I've been wondering like crazy - trying the process of elimination what could I possibly be allergic to. And even to the point of getting a doctor's appointment for it. Each time I get bouts of coughism (okay, this word I just made up), I thought I will be laid to rest pretty soon! Talk about paranoia! (Shouting again..)

Niweys, I know the culprit of all this mayhem. The heater!. I am allergic to the kind of heat they use in this building. Enough of the problem. Let's focus on the solution, shall we?

Windows in the bedroom open?- check. Windows in the kitchen - open? Check. In the Living Room? Check. In the bathroom? Check. Dining area? Check. Okay. Now, the whole apartment windows are open - open for all the pollution - noise and whatever type you can think of. Called the building super? Check.

Geez, I am just typing away here and I just took a shower and I am sweatin'.

Pleeeease! somebody save me!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Enjoying the not-so-long weekend

On this wet, windy Saturday, I have been contemplating on what I will do for this long weekend. Should I turn the apartment upside down? Should I make upside down cake? Or should I learn to stand upside down? Hmm...too many choices!

In the meantime, I thought and pondered until I ended up sleeping! What a day! Everybody deserves a break...including me...and you, my furry friends...

So, while I enjoy this long weekend doing whatever it is I will decide on doing...I found this video of (my new favorite) Cher.

Oh c'mon, aren't you feeling the 80's???

Watch more Believe videos on AOL Video

Friday, May 15, 2009

Feels Like Dorothy

Yesterday was a verrrry windy day. Did you get blown away?

Good thing I live in the city. Can you imagine living in the countryside with all that space? Why am I full of questions this morning? How come I can't stop asking so many questions? Can you see it? Do you notice it? Can you help me stop doing this? Can you PLEEEEASE help me stop asking you so many questions? Pleeeease???


(Sigh) That was close.

Must be the effect of the twister-like effect of yesterday's wind. Yay!

Anywho, I am off to tidying up the mess I made in the kitchen this morning. Well, not really so much of a mess but the stuff I used in making those muffins.Yep, they were gooood. Hey, you should know me by now!

In the meanest while (see I made that up, instead of meanwhile, I put in "meanest" - not to be mean but just something a bit different today -okay STOP).Whew! Here's a clip for you to enjoy. Don't forget the red shoes, Toto!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tuesday Specials

Today is Tuesday. A special Tuesday. No work Tuesday. No school Tuesday.!

Back to earth. I realized I have a lot of things to do today. Laundry.Cooking.Baking.Tidying Up.Going to PO.Some Shopping. and a whole-lot-a-domestic-duties.

Ahhh...the realities of life!

Why can't we just live in a dream? Or maybe we are living in a dream...Who knows?

I remember my physics teach'r in high school, he told us a "profound" scenario which made us think and ponder (that he's nuts) - he said, 'what if you are riding the bus, you look out the window and you perceive that you are moving WHEN the world around you is actually moving and you are stationary?' For some reason, of all things he taught us - that's one of two things that I still remember.(The other one being, he looked at my watch intensely - until he realized that there's a tiny spider spinning around the clock -afterwhich he asked me -'are you spiderwoman?')

Okay back to Tuesday. I love tuesdays. Not only does it come after Monday - which is usually a toxic day. Tuesday may be a bit of a drag (like you can't see Friday from tuesday) but it's a sign you got through Monday.

It's funny how things work out.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

BFF names through THE YEARS...

It's 12 past 2 am and I am laying here while watching the last 2 episodes of Dresden Files, my mind is also typing away - my fingers are a little slow to catch up.
Anywho, I've decided to share with you the names of my bestfriends - ones I can still remember since I was 7. Here we go:
In grade school: Jennifer, Abigail, Joanna, Jenny, Lyvia, Carol, Rosalie, Arlyn
In High school: Cathy, Charina, Jennifer, Myla, Antonette, Leah, Joshelle, Heizel, Gina, Ivy, Rizza, Leonor, Aileen, Anna, Sheila, Claudine, Joanne, Joy, and Tinky.(I went to an all girls school, in case you're wondering why all girls names)
In College: Abby, Raquel, Joy (I started dating during those years so I was kinda busy - plus some of my bffs in high school carried on til college days)

During my first year at SOLAIR : Janine, Malu, Mel, Mon

And when I started working, and I mean really working in various companies and different industries, I also met a lot of interesting and nice people who has touched my life in one way or another. And some names I can recall: Jing, Wini, Alessa, Olivier, Lil, Mercy, Raffie, Bobeck, Jane, Bunny, Scheilla, Maya, Nona.

And for the last 6 years, some of the above names still exists inside my circle - we may not be talking everyday, but you know that you will be there for each other NO MATTER WHAT.

Latest names are: Esther, Bing, Denise, Mary Rose, James, and Annette.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten some names (called old age),like the friend I have in college who'd always share a laugh or two and draws a caricature of our Rizal& History professor. Maybe tomorrow her name will dawn on me..

Okay, this post is going nowhere now, it's half past and it's late. (for what?)

I suppose I didn't do too bad in choosing and making friends along the way, huh?

And I am sure most of you are as excited as I am when you meet new people in your life. It's always a good feel. Trust me.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Can't think of a Title for this Post

Yesterday, a co-worker asked me how long have I been in Mo'ryal. Our conversation went this way:
Me: since 2003
Co-worker: Really?? (looked at me surprised)
Me:(confused) ya, why?
Co-Worker: Well, I just thought you were here longer than that
Me: (more confused) Uhmm, why'd you say that?
Co-Worker: Coz u know a lot of things, a lot of things around here..
Me: (beyond confused now) Oh.
End of conversation.

That conversation got stuck in my mind for a few hours (well, actually just a few minutes with an hour interval - then things got busy).
Why do people "assume" that just because you haven't been in a place for at least a decade, you "should" know only a little bit.
When I got here, not too many people (in my circle of life) know that I fell in love with the city. All the different cultures, the vibrant feel during the summer, the relentless noise of firetrucks passing by (don't forget the sirens of cop cars), the different faces you see each time you walk down the street. I mean, it amazed me then and still amazes me now. Yay, did I just confess here about my feelings??

Almost 7 years ago, I travelled to a totally different country with open arms. I don't know what will happen but I was open to whatever comes my way. I was ready to make a change in my life. Okay, not crying here. And part of that change is learning not just to adapt but to appreciate and respect others' cultures other than my own. Call me adaptable! Ha!

And who knows maybe in another few years, I will be ready to make more changes in my life.

It's not easy but sure a hell of a lot worth it.

Don't get teary-eyed's my speech for the day. In the meantime, I need to cook that beef stroganoff.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some Exciting Newness

I have a new project coming up. Not really new but NEW since I am doing this BIG project with a NEW friend. My hopes are high but I know that careful planning is key to success. And so, we are carefully planning each detail, each move we are going to take.
I like new projects. But I love it when somebody else shares the same passion (or okay, let's make it simpler - interests) as me. And honestly, a project has more potential of taking off and being a success if you are not doing it by yourself. (Because if you're like me, something comes up and you end up losing interest and poof! project's gone!) So having somebody with you to remind you of your goals is a very good thing.
For quite a few years now, I have been secretly wishing of doing such similar project. Ha! And you think I'd say details in here eh? Think again! Of course, those of you who's been in constant touch with me knows what the hell I am talking about -
Seriously, I just wanted to share my excitement - it has kept my mind awake (in very late nights) thinking and planning and even daydreaming of what could become of it! Isn't that exciting?!!
Life is short my furry friends, and I am bound to make the best of it. If not, at least make a difference in this world. You'll never know how you can make a dent in the next world.
Anyways, it's almost 1 am and without a doubt - a new day awaits. Another day to be excited about. Another chance to learn and plan and keep hopes high.
Keep your chin up, my furry friends. Life is good!

Monday, May 4, 2009

2 Cher or NOT 2 Cher

I stumbled on an old cd of Cher in Sue's collection. I decided to put it on my mp3, knowing that I will delete it anyway. (I never really KNEW if I was gonna like Cher or not).

It was in the mid-80's I started listening to music or more of paid attention to songs, artists and tuning in to the radio. And Cher? Hmm...I never really paid attention to her. All I know she's one of those artists that was making waves and I couldn't care less to surf.

Anywho, this cd called Heart of Stone - one week after - is still in my mp3 and what d'ya know! I listen to it like almost every freakin' time I put on those plugs! It can be addictive, like coffee in the morning, like marshmallows, like on toast....yummm...

Back to earth.

So, in case I don't scribble anything here this week...I found this video on Youtube - which you my furry friends might like too...hey, never say NE'VA!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Satur-Day Epiphany

I know I haven't been much of a blogger but rather a "logger" lately. Excuses. Excuses. Actually I have been "cleaning house" (in my life at least).
Aside from the realities of life that has kept me preoccupied, I think a big block hit me right in my sinus. Make sense? Ya, I don't think so either.

Today, a nice nippy Saturday, while doing laundry, it sort of hit me - if and when I die, will somebody miss me? Will there be a lot of people who'd come to my funeral and have some sniffles? What have I done to the human race with nearly (emphasis on NEARLY - means NOT YET) four decades of existence? Geez, I don't want to be just part of the statistics.

Have you ever thought of the consequence/s?

We really don't have any say or control over our lifespan. But I believe we have some control on how we live and use our borrowed life for the goodness benefiting others. Thing is, before we get to be the next Dalai Lama or Mother Theresa - I suppose we should look at our own life at a perspective. And ask questions such as :
How have I been living my life?
Am I striving for happiness?
Have I planted a tree that actually survived and is living?
Do I love myself, and if I was to meet myself, would I want to be my friend?
Would I give myself an A if I was the teacher?
Have I made any impact on someone else's life over the years?
Have I done something good to a stranger in the streets?
Have I ever cooked a meal and actually loved it?
Do I treat others with respect and humility?
Do I have good manners?
Do I say Thank you and I love you enough?
Do I appreciate myself and see that I am a nice person after all?

I could go on and on..And I am pretty sure, you can add more to that.

You might ask, why the profoundness of this blog...I don't know. Maybe it's that time of year when the Ms.Universe pageant is just around. Ha!

Dream on!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It Just Won't Let Go...

Two weekends ago, I had my supposedly "annual" visitor visiting me twice this year. And left me with a very bad cough - so there I was every night - I would cough and cough and cough then I bleeeeeewwwww - my brains out!(which explains I haven't been typing away much here. hint:no brains - sheesh!) No worries, Mr.taste-so-awful Buckley's has been tried and tested and so is Mr. Robitussin as well.
I was having sleepless nights and you know what "sleepless" nights do to you (except when you're in love) - you can't sleep!(well, what else can it do, but deprive you of getting any sleep) Okay, redundant - STOP.
So you could very well understand my furry friends why my thoughts are kinda garbled and misaligned.
And today, around 10 to 8, I woke up, and I was like, 'where'd my cough go?' - I have been waking up every couple of hours coughing since 12 midnight, 'blowing' my brains out - like it's gonna be the end of me (unfortunately for you - not yet). Suddenly I was able to lay on my side and sleep a few minutes more. I felt like a new(hu) epiphany rambled on inside my head - woa! my brain's back!!!Like you can hear the heavens uplifting you and you're taken for a ride on those puffy clouds.....and then...
I got up and started coughing again. Geeez!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

WWW (Wanda the Witch on Wednesday)

So there she was - Wanda the Witch on a Wet Wednesday. Our paths crossed again.(sigh) And I thought (and hoped) it never Will.
But anywho, I know you are thinking Who is this Wanda - Well, for one, her name is not Wanda (for pete's sake, I'm not that mean!) In fact, her name is not even close to Wanda! I just ended up hearing somebody else that she is Wanda..hep! Stop the confusion.
Okay, Wanda showed up by the door on a Wet Winter Wednesday. Not knowing What she stepped into doing today. Ha! Wanda Will be Washing the dishes (nope not to Wet her hair). But poor Wanda seemed so lost (and lazy) and it doesn't suit her - because everything should start with letter W, right? Okay know, the first time I met Wanda the Witch, I Was the one Washing dishes! And there she Was, taking her sWeet time pouring the pudding in tiny little cups and didn't know what spoon to use to avoid making the mess! Ha! That time, there I Was, Washing dishes (pots and pans), While Wanda kept bugging me, and asking me questions, 'Uhm, What should I use so it doesn't spill' - eeeow Wanda, use your head! (then maybe it Won't spill!)
So, I got home and there - I decided to Write and reminisce the other Wanda the Witch - I grew up with...

Ahh...don't you just miss those Sesame Street days!

p.s. I forgot to check if she Washed the dishes With Warm Water...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Gimme some ShooogaH!

It's that time of year - well at least in this side of the world. Where some trees has to sweat some bloody sap to make syrup hence, shoogah. Okay, don't believe a word I say - up to you!
So, our class has decided to get some of these tasty shoogah - where? WELL....where else? Of course some shoogah place they call some shoogah shack! So - been there done that - can't you tell I've had all the shoogah I neeeeed for my lifetime...
But I won't leave without sharin' of course - we're talking of shoogah - not honey!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 27, 2009. 10:30 a.m. I became one of the newest denizens of this country. As I sit there cramped in the small chair of that college auditorium, I realize, (aside from that I gained weight since I came here more than 6 years ago), I am the first generation of my family here. First generation. Wow. And in the next 100 years, my great great great great great (whew!) grandchildren will say, "my ancestor (that's me!) came here 100 years ago"! Yay! Okay, now I am practically sweating here. That just means, I have to start doing "great" things to be written about how I lived my life being the first person in my family to become a citizen of another country. Talk about stress!! Whew!

Okay, breathe in breathe out....Hummmmmmmm....

For starters, I am late for work. My first day of work. At the airport. Ha! Mom, I'm coming home!

In the meantime, this is the new anthem I have to study the lyrics. Hey, they gave us a free bookmark with the lyrics on it! Cool.. eh?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Naked Truth

Do you ever feel you have exposed yourself to somebody without actually realizing it - until later?(that sounds redundant) Okay, before you raise your left eyebrow on me. Let me expound on it.

Writing, as I see it, be it in any form, is one of the oldest ways of expression. From the old fashioned letter writing, emails, and now blogging. It's a way of telling another how we feel, what our thoughts are. More like stripping yourself in front of somebody's eyes or for this instance for every soul who dared read your blog or just accidentally clicked on your site. Yay!

I started writing letters when I was 11. We moved out of the city, transferred schools and there began my correspondence with my first grade teacher! Well, Ms.Arciaga was actually very encouraging those times. I would write and she would answer back. Even if I don't remember what I wrote to her, I'm pretty sure it was just mere updates on how we (me and family) are adjusting to our new place. Or I could have spilled some juicy news on who's cute or creepy in my new class.

Moving on. During my junior year in high school, I began another correspondence with another teacher. This time, I wrote everyday! She became my journal. It didn't matter if she answered me back or not. I needed somebody to know what is on my mind. For heaven's sake, I was a teenager! But in fairness, she would sometimes write me back - mostly when she had to take a medical leave and probably got so bored at home.

I've written different forms - essays, articles, letters, poems. Poem writing as I see it is a way of conveying your thoughts with a shield, a transparency filter or password protected. Since a poem may always most likely have a different meaning to whoever reads it than to the one who actually wrote it. For me, poems are safer - it's like being half-naked.

Letters and blogs on the other hand are more intimate. More personal. So you are totally naked to the world - that is if you are blogging. Nonetheless, I love letters. Whether it be old fashioned or email. With blogging? I am not sure. But heck, I have already exposed my inner self in here - so might as well like it, right? Ha!

And each time I invite somebody to visit my blogsite, I get a little fidgety after I've typed my site link. Why you may ask, I feel that I am opening my doors to a friend, a colleague, a family member - who might think different of me. Say what? Yes! as if something will still surprise them. But who knows, maybe there are still a side of me that hasn't been exposed - maybe the right cheek of my butt? Ha!
Get some sleep, will ya!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

When life just has to go on..

I know I have been incommunicado for awhile - since I turned 36! The last quarter of 2008 was kind of a blur. I couldn't see beyond the stressors presented to me. As the cliche goes, to make a long story short - I am back writing my crazy thoughts - again!

I am sure each of us has experienced at one point (or at many points) in our quaint lives - the challenges of human existence. That we had to persevere and survive all the obstacles that come our way - to live to tell the tale.

So, I guess I don't have to tell the tale. Ha!

If you have read my previous post - my "hectic" sked - well, that is all history now. I am now working at a different place. I couldn't say YET if it's a "better" place or not. I just started last month. You could say I am still testing the waters...and so far, being winter, it's still icy cold.

My cooking career quest is still ongoing. Don't ask me how many weeks I have completed - and I mean, completed five straight days! I am trying my best to complete a full week, but for some reason or another - there will always be something that would get in the way - believe it or not!
I suppose that's the disadvantage of going to adult education class - adults always have something to do.

The other day, I was "writing" in my mind on what to post here - and for some reason - I couldn't get my mouse to click on the site.

Anywho, it is getting late and I have things to do. Whew! adult life.