Tuesday, May 26, 2009

New Powerpuff Gurl

It's confirmed. I joined the Powerpuff girls
since I last visited my doctor. He prescribed the blue and the orange puffers. Yep!...I joined the wagon of puffies (that doesn't sound right, does it?)
Given no choice (see my previous blog about coughing), he thinks I could use a break and maybe I "maybe" developing (excuse me, redundancy here) asthma. Oh, he's such a worry wart! I'm fine! I'm breathing! That's all that matters, right? Wrong! At least that's what he said.
But no worries, my furry friends. I'm not allergic to furs. So we can still hang out in fairy land. Nice....
In the meantime, we'll just have to wait and see if I'd still huff and puff and blooooowwwwwww the house down! (Hey, I'm no bully!)
Seriously, it's no cause for any alarm (as long as you got the right timer! ha!). Okay, can't be serious.
But if you can think of a nice name for my new identity as a powerpuff girl - that would be G-R-E-A-T! (for those of you who needs a review: the names of the original 3: blossom, bubbles, buttercup - geez! watch more tv!)

P.S. What about Bundles? Ha! like I'm a bundle of whatever bundles you can think of! Yes! including bundle of yarn!

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