Friday, May 15, 2009

Feels Like Dorothy

Yesterday was a verrrry windy day. Did you get blown away?

Good thing I live in the city. Can you imagine living in the countryside with all that space? Why am I full of questions this morning? How come I can't stop asking so many questions? Can you see it? Do you notice it? Can you help me stop doing this? Can you PLEEEEASE help me stop asking you so many questions? Pleeeease???


(Sigh) That was close.

Must be the effect of the twister-like effect of yesterday's wind. Yay!

Anywho, I am off to tidying up the mess I made in the kitchen this morning. Well, not really so much of a mess but the stuff I used in making those muffins.Yep, they were gooood. Hey, you should know me by now!

In the meanest while (see I made that up, instead of meanwhile, I put in "meanest" - not to be mean but just something a bit different today -okay STOP).Whew! Here's a clip for you to enjoy. Don't forget the red shoes, Toto!

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