Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Some Exciting Newness

I have a new project coming up. Not really new but NEW since I am doing this BIG project with a NEW friend. My hopes are high but I know that careful planning is key to success. And so, we are carefully planning each detail, each move we are going to take.
I like new projects. But I love it when somebody else shares the same passion (or okay, let's make it simpler - interests) as me. And honestly, a project has more potential of taking off and being a success if you are not doing it by yourself. (Because if you're like me, something comes up and you end up losing interest and poof! project's gone!) So having somebody with you to remind you of your goals is a very good thing.
For quite a few years now, I have been secretly wishing of doing such similar project. Ha! And you think I'd say details in here eh? Think again! Of course, those of you who's been in constant touch with me knows what the hell I am talking about -
Seriously, I just wanted to share my excitement - it has kept my mind awake (in very late nights) thinking and planning and even daydreaming of what could become of it! Isn't that exciting?!!
Life is short my furry friends, and I am bound to make the best of it. If not, at least make a difference in this world. You'll never know how you can make a dent in the next world.
Anyways, it's almost 1 am and without a doubt - a new day awaits. Another day to be excited about. Another chance to learn and plan and keep hopes high.
Keep your chin up, my furry friends. Life is good!


Anonymous said...

I guess I'm privileged because I'm 'in the know' and I think what you are doing is going to be very successful. I wish you all the best.

P.S. Why do you call your friends 'furry'? I'm not that furry.


rein said...

"furry friends" coz i like it that way? are you complainin'? ha!