Sunday, May 10, 2009

BFF names through THE YEARS...

It's 12 past 2 am and I am laying here while watching the last 2 episodes of Dresden Files, my mind is also typing away - my fingers are a little slow to catch up.
Anywho, I've decided to share with you the names of my bestfriends - ones I can still remember since I was 7. Here we go:
In grade school: Jennifer, Abigail, Joanna, Jenny, Lyvia, Carol, Rosalie, Arlyn
In High school: Cathy, Charina, Jennifer, Myla, Antonette, Leah, Joshelle, Heizel, Gina, Ivy, Rizza, Leonor, Aileen, Anna, Sheila, Claudine, Joanne, Joy, and Tinky.(I went to an all girls school, in case you're wondering why all girls names)
In College: Abby, Raquel, Joy (I started dating during those years so I was kinda busy - plus some of my bffs in high school carried on til college days)

During my first year at SOLAIR : Janine, Malu, Mel, Mon

And when I started working, and I mean really working in various companies and different industries, I also met a lot of interesting and nice people who has touched my life in one way or another. And some names I can recall: Jing, Wini, Alessa, Olivier, Lil, Mercy, Raffie, Bobeck, Jane, Bunny, Scheilla, Maya, Nona.

And for the last 6 years, some of the above names still exists inside my circle - we may not be talking everyday, but you know that you will be there for each other NO MATTER WHAT.

Latest names are: Esther, Bing, Denise, Mary Rose, James, and Annette.

I'm pretty sure I've forgotten some names (called old age),like the friend I have in college who'd always share a laugh or two and draws a caricature of our Rizal& History professor. Maybe tomorrow her name will dawn on me..

Okay, this post is going nowhere now, it's half past and it's late. (for what?)

I suppose I didn't do too bad in choosing and making friends along the way, huh?

And I am sure most of you are as excited as I am when you meet new people in your life. It's always a good feel. Trust me.


rein said...

Oh one of my bff's in college was Ruby!..she's very funny...i miss her! Yey! i remember!

nessadisco said...


Okay, cool.