Saturday, May 2, 2009

Satur-Day Epiphany

I know I haven't been much of a blogger but rather a "logger" lately. Excuses. Excuses. Actually I have been "cleaning house" (in my life at least).
Aside from the realities of life that has kept me preoccupied, I think a big block hit me right in my sinus. Make sense? Ya, I don't think so either.

Today, a nice nippy Saturday, while doing laundry, it sort of hit me - if and when I die, will somebody miss me? Will there be a lot of people who'd come to my funeral and have some sniffles? What have I done to the human race with nearly (emphasis on NEARLY - means NOT YET) four decades of existence? Geez, I don't want to be just part of the statistics.

Have you ever thought of the consequence/s?

We really don't have any say or control over our lifespan. But I believe we have some control on how we live and use our borrowed life for the goodness benefiting others. Thing is, before we get to be the next Dalai Lama or Mother Theresa - I suppose we should look at our own life at a perspective. And ask questions such as :
How have I been living my life?
Am I striving for happiness?
Have I planted a tree that actually survived and is living?
Do I love myself, and if I was to meet myself, would I want to be my friend?
Would I give myself an A if I was the teacher?
Have I made any impact on someone else's life over the years?
Have I done something good to a stranger in the streets?
Have I ever cooked a meal and actually loved it?
Do I treat others with respect and humility?
Do I have good manners?
Do I say Thank you and I love you enough?
Do I appreciate myself and see that I am a nice person after all?

I could go on and on..And I am pretty sure, you can add more to that.

You might ask, why the profoundness of this blog...I don't know. Maybe it's that time of year when the Ms.Universe pageant is just around. Ha!

Dream on!

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