Friday, May 8, 2009

Can't think of a Title for this Post

Yesterday, a co-worker asked me how long have I been in Mo'ryal. Our conversation went this way:
Me: since 2003
Co-worker: Really?? (looked at me surprised)
Me:(confused) ya, why?
Co-Worker: Well, I just thought you were here longer than that
Me: (more confused) Uhmm, why'd you say that?
Co-Worker: Coz u know a lot of things, a lot of things around here..
Me: (beyond confused now) Oh.
End of conversation.

That conversation got stuck in my mind for a few hours (well, actually just a few minutes with an hour interval - then things got busy).
Why do people "assume" that just because you haven't been in a place for at least a decade, you "should" know only a little bit.
When I got here, not too many people (in my circle of life) know that I fell in love with the city. All the different cultures, the vibrant feel during the summer, the relentless noise of firetrucks passing by (don't forget the sirens of cop cars), the different faces you see each time you walk down the street. I mean, it amazed me then and still amazes me now. Yay, did I just confess here about my feelings??

Almost 7 years ago, I travelled to a totally different country with open arms. I don't know what will happen but I was open to whatever comes my way. I was ready to make a change in my life. Okay, not crying here. And part of that change is learning not just to adapt but to appreciate and respect others' cultures other than my own. Call me adaptable! Ha!

And who knows maybe in another few years, I will be ready to make more changes in my life.

It's not easy but sure a hell of a lot worth it.

Don't get teary-eyed's my speech for the day. In the meantime, I need to cook that beef stroganoff.

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