Sunday, May 31, 2009

PEOPLE equals DESSERTS (Part One)

It's Sunday morning and it dawned on me. Yes, a lot of things has been "dawning" on me lately.While making fudge - I realized that people in our lives (yours and mine, my furry friends) - are like desserts. Here's the analogy I came up - while stirring my butterscotch fudge:

People can sometimes be like:

COOKIES - you hold them too tight and they can crumble before it reaches your mouth. And if you let them cool down a bit after coming out of the oven, you can hold them easy and both of you end up happy - you appreciate 'em and they don't burn your tongue. Awww!

FUDGE - as most desserts, they can take awhile to make - the constant stirring so it won't stick to your saucepan. Most people like to be constantly motivated, thus, "stirred" to get to their goals. Nothing wrong with that I guess, but if you get distracted, they too get distracted and would rather not be where they would want to be. Another look at fudge - people see 'em, they never think twice - but just swallow 'em whole. Yes, there are peeps out there that can swallow you whole too, my furry friends - so be warned!

CHEESECAKE - takes time to make but if you wait long enough (like the next day), you can actually enjoy the fruits of your labor (or others'). Same goes with peeps in your life, if you stick around long enough - you get to enjoy their company and know their real "flavor" or lack of it. Ha!

I wanted to post more but I don't have the luxury of time today. I am making fudge and cheesecake today. And cookies you say? Nah, I am concentrating on those two for now.

So - to go back to my analogy of peeps and desserts - I think it's a pretty good one. Looking at the people in your life as desserts - they add color to your everyday existence. And hey, who doesn't like desserts, anyway?

That's it for now my furry friends. This is just part ONE. Don't ask me how many parts I am planning to make of it, 'coz I got no answer to that one just yet.

'Til next!


nj... said...

a longer neater post from you... enjoyed the yummylicious talk!! and yeh, i think i can see where you go.. :)

rein said...

hey nj, thanks for dropping by! makes me think it's not just me who reads my writing...hehe