Saturday, February 28, 2009

February 27, 2009. 10:30 a.m. I became one of the newest denizens of this country. As I sit there cramped in the small chair of that college auditorium, I realize, (aside from that I gained weight since I came here more than 6 years ago), I am the first generation of my family here. First generation. Wow. And in the next 100 years, my great great great great great (whew!) grandchildren will say, "my ancestor (that's me!) came here 100 years ago"! Yay! Okay, now I am practically sweating here. That just means, I have to start doing "great" things to be written about how I lived my life being the first person in my family to become a citizen of another country. Talk about stress!! Whew!

Okay, breathe in breathe out....Hummmmmmmm....

For starters, I am late for work. My first day of work. At the airport. Ha! Mom, I'm coming home!

In the meantime, this is the new anthem I have to study the lyrics. Hey, they gave us a free bookmark with the lyrics on it! Cool.. eh?

1 comment:

Mai Dee said...

Hey... Finally... Good to hear that!!! so, you must be proud now by singing the national anthem.