Saturday, February 7, 2009

When life just has to go on..

I know I have been incommunicado for awhile - since I turned 36! The last quarter of 2008 was kind of a blur. I couldn't see beyond the stressors presented to me. As the cliche goes, to make a long story short - I am back writing my crazy thoughts - again!

I am sure each of us has experienced at one point (or at many points) in our quaint lives - the challenges of human existence. That we had to persevere and survive all the obstacles that come our way - to live to tell the tale.

So, I guess I don't have to tell the tale. Ha!

If you have read my previous post - my "hectic" sked - well, that is all history now. I am now working at a different place. I couldn't say YET if it's a "better" place or not. I just started last month. You could say I am still testing the waters...and so far, being winter, it's still icy cold.

My cooking career quest is still ongoing. Don't ask me how many weeks I have completed - and I mean, completed five straight days! I am trying my best to complete a full week, but for some reason or another - there will always be something that would get in the way - believe it or not!
I suppose that's the disadvantage of going to adult education class - adults always have something to do.

The other day, I was "writing" in my mind on what to post here - and for some reason - I couldn't get my mouse to click on the site.

Anywho, it is getting late and I have things to do. Whew! adult life.

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