Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Naked Truth

Do you ever feel you have exposed yourself to somebody without actually realizing it - until later?(that sounds redundant) Okay, before you raise your left eyebrow on me. Let me expound on it.

Writing, as I see it, be it in any form, is one of the oldest ways of expression. From the old fashioned letter writing, emails, and now blogging. It's a way of telling another how we feel, what our thoughts are. More like stripping yourself in front of somebody's eyes or for this instance for every soul who dared read your blog or just accidentally clicked on your site. Yay!

I started writing letters when I was 11. We moved out of the city, transferred schools and there began my correspondence with my first grade teacher! Well, Ms.Arciaga was actually very encouraging those times. I would write and she would answer back. Even if I don't remember what I wrote to her, I'm pretty sure it was just mere updates on how we (me and family) are adjusting to our new place. Or I could have spilled some juicy news on who's cute or creepy in my new class.

Moving on. During my junior year in high school, I began another correspondence with another teacher. This time, I wrote everyday! She became my journal. It didn't matter if she answered me back or not. I needed somebody to know what is on my mind. For heaven's sake, I was a teenager! But in fairness, she would sometimes write me back - mostly when she had to take a medical leave and probably got so bored at home.

I've written different forms - essays, articles, letters, poems. Poem writing as I see it is a way of conveying your thoughts with a shield, a transparency filter or password protected. Since a poem may always most likely have a different meaning to whoever reads it than to the one who actually wrote it. For me, poems are safer - it's like being half-naked.

Letters and blogs on the other hand are more intimate. More personal. So you are totally naked to the world - that is if you are blogging. Nonetheless, I love letters. Whether it be old fashioned or email. With blogging? I am not sure. But heck, I have already exposed my inner self in here - so might as well like it, right? Ha!

And each time I invite somebody to visit my blogsite, I get a little fidgety after I've typed my site link. Why you may ask, I feel that I am opening my doors to a friend, a colleague, a family member - who might think different of me. Say what? Yes! as if something will still surprise them. But who knows, maybe there are still a side of me that hasn't been exposed - maybe the right cheek of my butt? Ha!
Get some sleep, will ya!

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