Friday, October 16, 2009

Living with numbers

I know I know...I haven't forgotten you, my furry friends. I just had a bout of brain freeze that it took quite a bit for my brain cells to thaw.

Just so you know, it is 67 days to go for my blog anniversary (that's according to the meter on the right), 3 days for my birthday, 69 days 'til Christmas, 76 days til the new year and about 3 hours before I leave for school.

I don't know if you ever get to notice that our daily lives is surrounded by numbers. And I hate Math! I took Psychology in college thinking that I'd get away from the subject, but what d'ya know, come second semester, I had Statistics! not just 1 but 2.

As we grow older, we learn that more and more numbers rule our lives. 2 Parents, 2 siblings, 1 teacher to start, then all of a sudden you have a dozen - (that's 12 by the way) Then before you know it, you are writing your address - and it's with numbers!

Can there be some changes for a change????? Like, what if your apartment door is called apartment nutella (no number there) and then your street is called hazelnut street across walnut. Or what if your age goes for colors and not numbers? "Oh so you are in yellow age eh"...ha! means you have hepatitis or something.eew! not a good idea.
okay, we'll just stick with numbers. FOR NOW...until somebody thinks of something....

In the meantime, it's almost 12 noon, and I only have about 3 hours get ready.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Missing you!!! have you baked any muffins recently?