Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The life after

And Soooo! (what the manager @ the restaurant would usually greet us - sounds more like "SAW" actually)
To continue, and SO! I finished the Professional Cooking course - fourteen months that seemed like for'eva! That is actually a great achievement for my restless be able to stay focused (not that I almost didn't make it y'know) and not give up - as compared to the masters degree I tried working on a few years back - short story: got a diff job, got distracted, diff sked, left school. There! wasn't so hard to share, was it?
And so! what got me to taking this cooking course? 16 months ago, I applied for a job I sooo wanted, didn't get hired b'cause I didn't have the right paper they were looking for. Had the right attitude, personality, but not the right paper.
And so! I enrolled and now I have the right paper but not the right job!
Is life actually toying with me now?? As soon as I knew I will be over and done with - I started planning on where and which place I would like to be. I've sent out the right paper to diff companies - and voila! I got a call from one of them - all excited and what have you - BUT!!!!...I don't have the right language! HOOOOOKAY!
And so! I got the right paper, but don't have the right language this time. RRRRIGHT!
I feel so screwed.
Have you ever felt that way? That your best is not good enough - there's always something missing.
And so! I could be missing something here - as what my aunt would tell me - if you don't find your luck here, go someplace else.
Or I can just have the right language, ce tout!

P.S. Can you believe this? All serious stuff I wrote today. WOW...must be sick.

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