Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jammin' in p'jammies

WOW. It's saturday and I just realized I didn't go out of the house (apartment) for 5 days! Yesss..I was in my pj's all week long. WOW.

Don't say I was depressed or repressed or compressed. Frankly, I think I have regressed. HA! Don't get me starting.

I wasn't or didn't feel anymore lonesome. What did me in my jammies accomplished for five days? For one, I caught up on all epis of the tv shows I kinda neglected while cramming/stressing for school. Second, I rearranged some furniture and stuff (hoping to redirect the "chi" flow). Third, I brushed up on my baking and cooking (which I found out still relaxes me). And fourth, for the first time in so long, I didn't fill up the hamper with all my clothes. Yey!

Being at home and in your pjs all day long isn't so bad after all. I wasn't really in hibernation 'coz I was out there - sending out my applications to a whole lot of companies who might take notice of my talents. I watched the news, read the news and hoped I'd have some news. We'll see.

Now, I am off to play to my weekend playground. Hoping I still get some playtime schedule. Cross your walks!

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