Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A brand new Year!

Wow! I almost forgot my password. I almost lost this blog. Whew!

Yes I know it has been a loooong(est) while since I last laid my eyes in here. Since my hands and brain got coordinated and made some sense in coming up with words.

I've been busy! (a.k.a. the most overused summary of your lifestory). I was busy with some important things (like my life) and some unimportant things like making sure I was taking care of my fish in fishworld. Believe me it can be really time-consuming!

So let me update you with what's up with this so-called life of mine. This year has been presenting me with good surprises. So far, the career I am trying to pursue is proving to be worth-pursuing. I almost lost hope threading this road. BUT! I suppose perseverance and determination are two keys you shouldn't leave the house without. I was trying to align my life with what I think I should be doing to succeed. BUT when life is telling you where to go - you should listen and don't fight it - then your road gets smoother. And plans can be easily achieved.

This year has been good so far. It would probably be a year to heal - the soul, the heart and even the pocket. At least that's how I am hoping it would be.

That's all for now, my furry friends. It's a workweek and I need my beauty rest. Ha!

Sleep tight and keep wishing for a longer weekend..

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