Thursday, February 11, 2010

Life in a colorful setting

I'm terrible. And I feel terrible. Pretending that I can give so much attention to this blog and post my insights as they flow through me. Darn. I feel ashamed - not holding on to the promise of NEVER EVER neglecting one of my first discovered passions.

Okay. Stop the whole drama.

Life is great - has been, so great!

First off - the career I wanted to going on smoothly. And I really can't complain. Hours are great. The pay is just awesome. And the people I work with..hhmm? Okay as long as the pay is good and I can be able to pay all my bills right now, everything's good. Let's just worry about the peeps later, shall we?

Second, one of my best friends crossed my path again! How many of you can say that in your lifetime? Uhmm, like 2?! Ha! I couldn't be happier. We had so many fun memories together. And I know we laughed a lot, giggled a lot and cut classes a lot! She was my first best friend in college - and we rocked and rolled...ahh teenage life's a bliss...(sigh)

I told you life is good. I suppose it all started when I promised myself I will start eating fruits again and yes, veggies, too. I think it's like sort of a cosmic karma or something. I wish I have some bigger words tonight but I've been reading the insurance policy I have to sign soon and I gotta tell ya, those are gigantic words I couldn't quite fathom.. je ne comprend pas..I should give that girl a call tomorrow and have her explain in LAYgirl's term.

It's been a hectic week but I am feeling rather better than my usual hectic weeks..I am able to pay my bills and will be able to pay past bills, present bills and future bills - hey, I live in bill country. And the "kill bill" movie never got shown here, I don't think. (insert smile here)

In the meanest time, I would like to share with you a video that somehow inspired me to rethink my thinking about vegetables. Ha!
After all, vegetables are colorful...and fun to cook!

Stay healthy my furry friends..spring is just across the street!

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