Saturday, April 3, 2010

Open Windows And You Know You Can't Win

For some people it's the Lent season, to others it's one of those long weekends and for me, it's spring cleaning time. One day one space at a time - or lack of it.

Spring cleaning also means opening the windows, cleaning them, yep, time for those acrobatic stunts you so carefully mastered - but then again, you can always use a longer handle. Ha! stop right there.

So with the windows open - there are consequences: you get the wind from whatever breeze city air brings in, along with all the allergens that goes with it, hence, you end up with baggy eyes, restless sleeps, and a great headache. Coffee please! Not only that, and because you opened your windows, you can hear your operatic next door neighbor stretching her vocal chords, hear next building neighbors try to belt out the same, smell the neighbors cooking bacon (which almost always inspires you to fry some cholesterol as well), and hear one of the most annoying thing in the world - the neighbors' wind chime -yes! hanging right there! just a little way across above our kitchen window..eeew!

The freakin' wind chimes...I never thought it would bother me so much - until I opened the windows..and heard it again...I almost forgot about it - must be that winter fever. But it's not winter's springtime and it meant opening WINdows to hear those WINd chimes! grrr! I remember looking at 'em, it wasn't that big, in fact, it was one of those small ones..but BIG enough to annoy others.

Hmm..which made me think, could it be why wind chimes are hung outside? Was that the reason for it? Eureka! I think I cracked the code! Ha!

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