Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blues Clues

"Do you remember me?" asked the old lady to another who was just about to sit beside her in the bus. "Uhm, give me two clues" she replied. "I asked you about your knee". "Oh, oh, I remember we were talking about it and I even gave you my opinion about surgery". *ding* Arret Demande. My stop. Ha!

I wasn't eavesdropping. I was merely a bysitter (I was sitting beside the older lady inside the bus), who couldn't help but overhear their conversation. Which made me think - are all the people on my FB remember me at all? Okay I think that's a toughie.

I'm just lucky,I suppose, to have quite a good number of friends through the years. Each friend is different and each memory is unique. And mind you, so far, dating as far back as 20 plus plus years, I haven't encountered even one of them asking me, "give me two clues"...I say let's give it another turn of the century?

Speaking of clues...I should start thinking of them this early eh?..If I was asked, give me two clues..I'd say, 'oh I was the one who got you in trouble in first grade after our siesta time' or 'I was the one who twisted your arm in third grade coz you were cheating while we were playing jack's stones' or maybe the classic - ' I was the one who punched you in first grade (where I was just actually a sit-in-not-yet-a-student)coz you wouldn't give me the stick when the teacher left'

Hey, I wasn't so bad of a kid, was I? Ha! But c'mon on now, I'm not as horrible as I was back then..I was a good friend and still is - to many! Ask my bestest buddies around..yes I say around...coz they are around the world as we speak (or type). I can be your best pal get in trouble, I get in trouble. We cut classes. We gave the boys a hard time or two. We laughed until we cried. And until now we still do that when we reminisce the old times.

I'd say we should drink to that! Cheers!

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