Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Makings of a Zombie

I suppose three more sleepless nights would qualify me for the club. Okay - I admit I haven't been really sleeping too well the past few nights. My brain is so wound up I can't unwind it! Can you believe that?? It's like it has a mind of its own! (Ah, excuse me, we're talking about the brain)

It's terrible. Give me a few more sleepless nights and you can call me the bag lady. Or better yet the luggage lady. (Hint:those puffy things under your eyes). Before you know it, I would just be needing a passport! Good, eh?

The only advantage though is I am losing weight. So I think. Ha! And I kinda lost my appetite on eating regular. I eat just whenever I feel hungry. Good training though. Plus it will be to my advantage too - graduation is next month!

So why am I not sleeping too well lately? I suppose being anxious qualifies as a reason. (See first paragraph about brain). I won't expound on it further just in case you happen to see my doctor. One doctor is worried enough already. Sheesh, give them a break, people!

And's Sunday today my furry friends. And Monday is back to the grind. In the meantime, maybe I should try and get some shut eye while I think of it...

Wish me luck!

P.S. Sorry for this boring post. I know you understand your sleep-deprived blogger...zzzz

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