Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Bus Load Experience

I missed the bus! Not that I missed "riding" the bus. But I really missed the bus! Poof! Well what else is new. It's either I get to be too early or the bus is late. Or both.

I remember my first Canadian city bus experience - in Guelph...teeneeneeneening...(btw, that's more like a sound effect segue for reminiscing the past) Ha! Okay now back to the story : I was coming out of the restaurant which by the way was my very first gig ...and there it was, the "bus"...the restaurant door isn't so far from the bus stop, but just the same, it was a tough run - it was winter!Can u imagine?! There I was - waving at the driver (as if he wants to see me)...and shouting "stop the bus!"...I was actually laughing at myself for saying that...As if! Good thing the people getting in the bus takes a lot of time getting inside the bus *wink*wink*.

Each city I noticed has different public transpo system and it's always an experience and a half to ride in one. You should try that my furry friends. And you should also try riding the bus until the end of the line..until the driver notices you are still there when everyone else has gotten off. And yes, I did that once (or twice) rode the bus up to the end point where the driver looks at you as if to say, 'where the hell you wanna go?? this is the end of my line'...and so I get off and walked to the nearest bus stop and waited for the same bus to pass..and I swiped my buspass - Ha! that moment I felt like I was being filmed for a Mr.Bean sequel. Wait. Can I just pause right now. I need to laugh. HAHAHAHHAHAHA.

Okay, back to missing bus.I honestly think it's a love-hate relationship. You love it when there isn't so much peeps inside - you can sit freely wherever you want. Yes, I am talking about that twin bus they have now (only in certain parts of the city) Or you hate it when you were just coming out of the metro and there it was - wheezing through the intersection, didn't even bother slowing down 'coz maybe you need a ride. But you know what, there will always be another bus...for the next 20 minutes.

On second thought, I think I need to get a car.

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