Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lucky Five Dollah!

I found a crisp Five Dollar bill today. On my way home. Walking while cursing the bus for missing it. While trying to blame it on that tramp hogging the escalator (going up from the metro) as if she's on a photo shoot....Hey!

I should thank her right? 'Coz! if she wasn't striking a pose by the escalator - as if her boots are new - I think... Really now, if I caught the bus, then I wouldn't have found my lucky five dollah! Ha! that I'm five dollah richer, what should I buy?? Think Quick! Nah, it should be carefully planned you know. Not too many five dollah you find nicely folded in the streets..So I placed it in a jar. To remind me that walking isn't so bad after all. And that it's OK to miss the bus once in awhile. As a matter of fact, Sue suggested I should walk going home everyday now. Ya right!

Nevertheless, it's a lucky day!

Now, I will just need about 4,995 dollahs for my vakay!! wooopeeeedooo!!!

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