Monday, May 26, 2008

Just another week/end-ed

I tried to have just a peaceful weekend but for some reason, something, oh something just has to rock my boat even a little.
Let's start with Saturday. At around 11 in the morning we heard a loud knock on the door. When I opened, a shirtless black man with a very defensive aura appeared before me, saying, "yu klaushkkdl idslkmnkxoelsjkflaf" Okay. I am not kidding. That's how I heard it. And I go, "what??" So he spoke slowly and with a softer tone this time, "you do so much stompin' on the floor". I was tempted to answer him with "are you high on somethin'??, nobody is doing no stomping here!" but of course, I knew he was ready to just start an argument, so I said, "oh, so-rry" then closed the door. His reaction? He said, "ok" then shrugged his shoulders and went away. Ha! Asshole!
How on earth can I do some stompin' when I am sitting in front of my puter most of the time that morning? Unless, stompin' is the new walking. Sue called the building super and told him what this idiot told us. He said, I shouldn't have apologized for "walking" in our own apartment. Most likely, this guy is so high that everything that he hears is magnified a thousand times. Besides, they have been evicted from their apartment and should be out of the building by Tuesday.
Sunday. I woke up early and did some chores. And assessed myself if I am up to going to museums. Since it's a free museum day! But of course, I would also have to think of Sue, how she feels and if she is up to walking a lot of mileage inside different museums. But then again, what about just baking some chocolate muffins or better yet - nutella muffins!!...well, yah, so I suspect you already know what I chose. It's not hard to choose or muffins? Both starts with M silly! how hard can that be?
Anywho, another weekend passed. Another blog written. And what d'ya know! It's another work week! Wooohooo!!!!.. I'm so ecstatic. Not.
Go on, get back to work.

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