Thursday, May 15, 2008

Back to My First Love

Nutella. For awhile now, I try to ignore the calling. I think I even had some withdrawal symptoms by doing that. I would have boiled eggs for breakfast - completely no nutella in sight (yes, I kept the jar in the cupboard so I won't see it and it won't see me). And somedays I'd have just an apple, or just the orange juice.
When I come home from work, instead of grabbing a slice of bread and spreading some looooove, I head for the chips or some rice cake to snack on while waiting for lunch to cook.
And today, I got sad. I miss my nutella. I tried not thinking about it but it's raining outside today and the loaf of bread was calling me - 'toast me! toast me!'. And what goes good with a toasted bread in the morning? My nutella! Why, did you just said butter? Shame. Shame. Shame.
So, I grabbed the nutella from hiding. Rescued it from the dark. From being alone with all the other prisoner cans and jars.
Hey, did you notice I'm getting nuts? I have to stop this. Not the nutella mania, silly. This blog. Right now. Bye.


Catherine said...

I did say to myself that I would try this nutella but i keep forgetting to get it when i go to the store. anyway, got this just for you....[#2]&p=nutella&type=JPG&oid=fd3725e9c79f9608&fusr=Novembre85&tit=Io%20%20%20Nutella[2]&hurl=

Catherine said...

i guess it didn't work, maybe you can cut and paste =)

rein said...

that was ...weird?...hehe guess now, when u see nutella, it'll remind you of me..haha..thanks cath!

Anonymous said...

what is this Nutella?