Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Some Rein Facts

I was told I was a hard one to live with. Hmm...I want to expound on that. Try to analyze what made these people I've lived with for years say that. By these people I mean, my dear mother - with whom I've lived with for 30 years and Sue - who I've been living with for almost 6 years now. Okay, my mom actually cautioned Sue the first year I was here in Timbuktu, telling her to take care of me and don't be surprised how much of a hard head I am. So, there was already a premeditated assumption of how I am if you live with me. That's tough. Specially if it comes from your mother telling another person - that "my daughter is such a stubborn hard-headed ass, so don't be surprised if she frustrates you at times" okay, not the exact words but something to that effect.
Let me disintegrate this hypothesis known to to people I care about. Ha! I'm pretty sure, you would rather believe my mother if she tells you, right? Well, suit yourself.
When I lived with my folks back in Tralala land, I am pretty much in my own world. My own space. My own bubble. I remember, I don't want anybody touching my things, or using them without my permission. It was like, my things - mine, yours is yours. I slowly graduated from that stage - until I even find myself lending my toothbrush! - but to a friend anyway. It was an emergency case! So don't start getting squimish about it. Arret!
I love having things in order. I love order. I can think better if there's some order around me. The chi flows better. Ha!
Before, I like being specific with lighting in my bedroom. Now, I even read in the dark with only a flashlight to light the pages. People change you know.
So let's talk about the me - now. I have a few house rules - more of your guide to living with me. First, you clean up your own mess. And by mess, I mean, you take something out of the closet and spread it all around, you can put them back as soon as you finish. Sue, would tell me right away that she'd clean up (after taking out whatever is in the closet), because I easily get frustrated when there's a mess and nobody wants to be responsible for it. Don't worry, I try to be more patient as time goes by. I am working on it.
Second house rule, do what you want, go where you want to go, but let me know. Or at least answer your cellfone. Unless of course you don't want to be found.
Third, I wake up early but that doesn't mean everybody has to wake up as early too. I just like to have my quiet time. Quiet time for me means, no talking, just thinking, reading, typing or even cleaning the house. I love my quiet times. In my own space, in my own bubble. I don't usually talk (I chat sometimes online though), so if I am kinda spaced out and by myself, please don't bother carrying a conversation or asking me something I am not prepared to answer.
Fourth, I love making breakfast on Sundays. If you have a problem with that, tough. I love to make breakfast for everybody who is in the household. And also, I love to bake on weekends - specially if there are people who'd love to eat 'em. Also, I would appreciate it if you tell me what you think of my baking and cooking. And Sue gets frustrated when I wanted her to taste it right away - right out of the oven! Bully! Ha! I think I'm a bully!
I know, I know that's not nice. Believe me, I am working hard to change that. I am trying to be patient and calm and cool and collected. So, I guess I am not that hard to live with after all. Just don't burst my bubble.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

pretty funny, Rein. Those are pretty easy rules...I THINK! and having breakfast ready for you (meaning, someone else cooking for me for a change...how I wish!), i would take that in a heartbeat. And besides, i've tasted your food before and love it, so if Sue wants to pass tasting your food, someones waiting her in Cali or should I say, you can bully me anytime =)