Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Stinky Mo'ryal

Yesterday, while walking to work, you just can't help smelling the breeze touching your cheeks, blowing your hair...eeeow! Montreal was stinky! Smells of dog poo. Yep, you read it right, I smelt it as soon as I stepped out of my apartment building. I thought, it was just because somebody must have probably left their dog poo on the front lawn of the building, but when I start walking, and even crossed the street - Man, oh man!..the city stinks!
And the other night, I couldn't put myself to sleep because some farm smell came to the city and invaded our apartment (we leave our windows open these days - for fresh polluted air to flow in). I had a tough time going to sleep.
Yeah I know, my olfactory sense is very sensitive these days. Signs of aging I guess. Ha!
But really now, why does this lovely city of Mo'real stinks of dog poo? Well, right now, I couldn't quite smell what's in store for today..but still, yesterday was really bad. I think that's why I asked Sue to pick me up after work. My subconscious couldn't take the smell of the city yesterday.
There are a lot of dog owners here in the city. No problem with that. It's when they start being irresponsible in cleaning up after their doggies. Stinky people! They would walk their dog, and would forget to pick up poo after. But in fairness, not all of them are like that. You'd still see some of them actually pick up with their dog poo plastics and putting it in the trash. But others, oh forget it! Lazy ass!
(sigh) Well, today is another day. And I am hoping that when I get out of the building, the usual fresh polluted spring breeze will greet me. Let's keep our fingers crossed, shall we?


Anonymous said...

Cleveland smelled funny yesterday too!

Anonymous said...

its spring... thats why they put fertilizer...