Friday, May 9, 2008

Ticket to Confusion

I passed by the depanneur on my way home today to pick up a lotto ticket. And I remember I put the stash of lotto tickets in my jacket pocket just in case I happen to pass by the store and get a lotto ticket - which I just did, and I just told you. Hey! don't confuse me here!
So there, as I was waiting for the lady behind the cash checking my tickets, she told me, 'this one is from last year!' and I go, 'oh, ok, but can you still check it?' (since it was just October anyway, so technically, if I won the jackpot, I can still claim it since it's not October yet, is it?) She checked it, and of all those tickets, I only got one with $2 winning on it and another with a free ticket win. Yippee! I can celebrate now! Ha! Now the confusion begins. I asked for a $3 ticket and gave her $5, and then she gave me 2 tickets, one is the $3 and the other is a free one. And she told me she will then give me $4 - that is my change from my $5 and the $2 I won. Then I said, ' can u give me another ticket for tomorrow's lottery?' by which she tells me, 'you want $4 worth?' (which confused me, because what I know is the minimum amount for that ticket is $2).. By this time, I just wanna get outta there and just get my damn tickets! So I just said yes, and off I go. Whew!

Okay, so I think I may be the only one confuse here. Or WAS confused. Hey, it's a friday and I am tired. What an excuse, eh?

But what the heck, I got my tickets for tonight's lottery and tomorrow's. And wish I'm holding the lucky ones, so I don't need to buy anymore tickets and get confused all over again.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

okay, i won't read this again because you had me confuse...LOL! but, someone just read my palm over the weekend and said that i have to open a business (but i don't have money to open a business) and he even said that i should buy lottery tickets (i'm one of the lucky he said it) but then again, i don't even have money to buy lotto tickets...oh well! I guess, I'll borrow some money and hoping to win and get confuse like you =)