Friday, May 16, 2008

Fortune Telling

I had a job interview yesterday and for the love of me, I was asked the most overused, adulterated, misconstrued, trickiest and over enunciated question - "How do you see yourself in 5 years?"
I remember when I was first asked with that question - hey, it was also in a job interview! And that was many years ago! They start asking you that question the minute you apply for your first job - your potential master (coz you are a potential slave) , wants to find out if:
a. you can foretell the future,
b. you can be manipulated in the next 5 years,
c. you can be a nuisance and a good cover up for how the company is failing in the next couple of years without you suspecting that they hired you so they can cover their asses to the higher ups,
d. they just don't know what to ask you and they still have a couple of minutes to spare before breaktime.

It's a trick question actually. You answer with whole honesty, like what you really intend to do in the next five years of your life (granting you are still alive and well) and voila! forget about getting the job you are applying for. Or you try to impress your interviewers with a much-thought-carefully-planned answer and hell no! you'd be bombarded with more questions that you find yourself squinting, fidgetting, and trying to cram the answer file folder at the back of your head and voila! (again), you leave the room, trying to figure out what went wrong with your well rehearsed answer to that elusive question of all time. Tsk. tsk.
So, you might be wondering how did I answer that question. Well, lucky for me, I already have the premonition that whatever and however I answer that question, it will not affect my standing in getting the job (or in this case, NOT getting the job)
When the interviewer asked me, "how do you see yourself in five years?" I go, "ah, in five years? let me see, (sigh) in five years i will be 40!" Haha! What the hell are you asking me? How would I know if I am still alive in five years! If I tell you that I see myself in your chair, would you still hire me? Guess not! 'Coz obviously, you are not about to give up that chair for me after five years of sitting on it - and there's just no way I'd sit on it after five years of me standing here in front of you. Geez woman!
I have been asked that question for the nth time throughout my lifetime and believe me, none of my answers came close to how I've seen myself in the next five years. So, please, just ask me what I had for breakfast or what I am planning to have for lunch. Then I could give you a clear honest to goodness answer. And maybe we could even have dinner.


Catherine said...

whatever you tell her on that answer, i hope you get the job. I've had promotion (left and right,okay not really left and right but how about 9 in the last 10 years.. not bad, right?) in the same company and they always ask the same question and i've really lucky that they really like my answer (not sure it's because how i answer it or they think let's see if she's really gonna be where she's at in 5 years...LOL!) Goodluck, Rein!

Anonymous said...

i hate that question.. Where will you be in 5 years from now or how do you see youself in 5 years? That question is always asked... and i think its just a waste... why 5years cant it be 10years..