Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Time to bring back the old self

I have a proposition to my self. It's not a resolution but a proposition. Because I don't know if my self will accept it yet. This thought was like a song playing in my head, harassing my brain since last night but I was too cold to get out of bed.
On with the proposition. I propose to treat my self with a lot more kindness starting this year (if my self likes it, to continue on the following years) - starting off with staying away from sweets, eating less meat but more vegetables. Stay away from coffee completely. Drink more juice. Eat cereals in the morning (and at night). Never set eyes on chips. After all, who really needs junk in your system?
I propose to be more active in achieving my self wants and needs. Hug my self more often, give a pat on the shoulder after a long day's work - assuring my self we did a good job and that my self is important to the world (okay, that may be too much, but my self should feel good everytime, all the time).
I also propose to minimize my self wallowing in things I cannot change (stop sulking, for pete's sake and get on with life!).
I should also start treating my self with nice things once in awhile. Wear nice clothes even if you are just going to the grocery store. Try wearing heels again. And remember how good it felt knowing you look good and "damn so pretty".
Anyway, with all things said, this proposition can only materialize if my self choose to accept it.
So, please, please, DO!

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