Friday, January 11, 2008

See, I remember...

It's January 11th and my lola's birthday. I miss her terribly.

I feel sad since this is the only picture I have of her. I wish I grabbed more pictures from my mom before. Or even had more pictures with my dear lola. Let me tell you about this picture, this was her 79th birthday in 1998. So, if I got it right, she would have been 89 this year.
My grandmother, oh, there are so many words to describe her - she's a workaholic, a martyr, loves to play bingo, hates to be around unruly kids, first impression would be she's a cranky old woman - but hey, she has the right to be and I know how to mellow things with her.
I remember the first time we talked, it was a family outing and I couldn't swim having my monthly visitor that time ( I think I was about 16 or 17). I never really talked to my lola before that, so it was a little awkward. She asked me if I remember when she used to babysit me and my siblings when my parents would go out. Of course I remember. During nap time, she's the one asleep while we'll be the ones watching her. I think we tire her out easy. Ha!
When I lived with them for awhile ('coz my office was within walking distance from their house), we became closer. We'd have our evening chats and watch late night old movies (b&w) in her 5' tv. Mind you, one time I asked her why are we watching these movies in such a small screen when she has a big tv - and she would just tell me that it's more fun watching it on her own tv (hint: the bigger one is my grandfather's). Nevertheless, I learned to love old black and white movies.
One night, during our evening chats, my lola asked me if I will remember her even when she's gone. Since she knows our family doesn't make the annual visit to cemeteries (like most filipinos). I assured her that I will never forget her. And I never did. I haven't forgotten how she lit up when she saw me again after she came back from the states. I haven't forgotten how she secretly gave me a couple of small scarves (with 101 dalmatians design); how she beamed whenever I go with her to play bingo (even though we lost most times). And how she loved watching me while I eat dinner (coming from a very tiring work day - sorry I can't elaborate on that). And even how she would tell off my cousin from using the phone just because I need to use it.
My lola became my bestfriend in the family. I never thought I would have such a connection with her. She used to tell me I don't need a boyfriend or anybody, because she is always there.Funny thing to hear from your grandmother. Like you never really grew up.
I miss you, 'la. Whenever I watch "beaches" (our favorite movie), it never fails to make me cry. And even in writing or talking about you, it brings tears rolling down in buckets.
I know you lived a full colorful life and I am grateful I had the privilege to know you and love you.
I will forever remember, 'la.

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