Saturday, January 5, 2008

Baker's Dilemma

I have a disease. So I think. I call it the "baker's syndrome". Symptoms include waking up in the middle of the night WANTING to bake (a muffin, a cookie, or a cake) - for which unless you acted upon it, you can never go back to sleep. Tough! Another symptom is you get "overly" excited reading a recipe that you can actually taste or smell the end-product. (how pathetic is that?). And when you are done baking (or cooking), you end up just taking a small bite and that's it - you are cured! (well symptoms subside at least).
I have all these symptoms since cooking became my means of living. I never told my doctor about it - he'll probably refer me to the psychiatric division. Where probably,(in the event they found out I am non-threatening) they will assign me to do kitchen duties - ha!
I don't consider myself as a really good cook (or baker) but I think I do fairly well - compared to those that never really set foot in the kitchen. Hey, I have my father's genes to add. ( I am not adopted after all)
You might ask, what do I do in the event the above symptoms arise - I act on it. Otherwise, I will get cranky all day, anxious, and very hard to live with - all in one day! And that can be very annoying, you know.
Oh well, I don't know how else to deal with it right now, and since my friends are more than happy when I get these symptoms - I think that should be fair enough, eh?
In the meantime, I am itching to bake that blueberry muffin.
Bon appetit!


Catherine said...

So, How did the blueberry muffin came out =)

rein said...

came out very good, thank you. :)