Saturday, January 12, 2008

Advil and Me

I am beginning to hate winter. I used to love winter. My first winter storm embraced me the minute the plane landed in Winnipeg airport in 2002. Talk about blowing me off my feet, literally! (Now, if only guys would do that, eh?) But after a few seasons, winter is beginning to make a toll on me.
Does it have to do with where I am now?
Since I came to this four-season-extreme-weathered country, I accepted the fact that I will have my annual flu. You may notice there is some degree of ownership to that. I've learned to accept that I will have a flu visit every year. I am fine with that. Since it gives me some days off from work (ya, what a way to spend days off). Bed-ridden and all. Besides, it gives me some time to just watch old movies, sleep and sleep some more.
This year is different. I had my supposedly annual flu last summer (yes, believe it or not). But I had some bouts of symptom-like flu this winter. And for some reason I can't seem to get rid of it completely. Okay, before you say the F word (flu-shot), sorry, you can't make me get it. There's just no way, I would. (Reasons will be in another blog)
And then came my new bestfriend, Advil. Boy, oh boy, it brought me to my senses. And I mean, I can smell what I'm baking, taste what I cooked, and even see clearly what the hell I am chopping! Advil is like my knight in shining armor and with it, I can be whatever I want to be. Keeps me on the clock 24/7, always reminding me "it is time". I know this is the right one, I've tried and tested others, and even went with one that is a natural, no false pretense. But right now, my new bestfriend just stands out. Keeps me on my feet.
I just hope our friendship will just be this season. Frankly, I am not so fond of popping pills except for my regular supplements.
Does that sound contradicting? Uhmm,'re just imagining things.

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