Monday, January 14, 2008

The poet that was

We started sorting out some papers, loads of papers last weekend and I came across a small notebook with my first few poems (like really the first ones - when I was in 5th grade 'til high school). I would like to share some of them here) Brace yourselves! :)


I need someone to be my friend
Someone I could walk with hand in hand.
I need someone to comfort me
But who could she be?

Someone to help me with my problems,
Who'll advise me so I could solve them.
Someone I could trust
With the memories of my past.

The one that could make me happy
When I'm feeling lonely,
The one that has a good character
But where could I find her?

Maybe she's a gift of God
For me from up above
A friend that I could treasure
With the love I couldn't measure.

She's the greatest person
That I've ever known
A friend that is so true
And that is really you.

ROFL. I couldn't help it. Hahahaha. I think I was talking about my dog. Don't you think? Hey, give me a break, I know it sounds a little self-centered, but I was 11, what can you expect?
Anyway, here's another one. I wrote this one just a few days after the first one (above). Remember, I was 11 or maybe around 11 and a half.


All those days I'm with you
You made me happy when I'm blue
But one day you made me cry
When you said to me, goodbye.

All the memories you left to me
It made me sad as sad as I could be
'Cause when I think of you everytime
I thought you were already mine.

Days have passed
You have returned
So much that I've missed you
But what did you do?

You didn't keep your promise to me
I said to myself how foolish I could be
In all my life, I have loved you eversince,
And I thought you were my prince.

That's the wrong thing I've ever did
And now love is all I need
But I promised that I'll never love again anymore
Because of what you did to me before.

But one day I met a guy
I said to myself, why not give it another try
Whenever you see his meaningful smile
It will make you think for awhile.

He is quite good-looking
For his eyes are very captivating
He has the perfect voice
And can be a composer's choice.

When he whispered to me, 'I loveyou'
I thought it all came true
But he disappeared right before my eyes
'Cause it was only a dream, a dream that was very nice.

Every night I think of you
'Cause I couldn't start my whole life anew
And I'm still a broken hearted
Oh, how could I mend it?

Say what age again? eleven! or maybe eleven and a half! I know, it sounds corny, that is the result of watching too much soaps! But I remember when I finished writing this poem, I was damn proud I was able to do a 9-paragraph one! Whew!
This will do for now. I don't want you have indigestion after reading those two. I promise it gets a little better - past one poem, "my little tree". Which I will reserve when we are all having a bad day. It's a sure picker-upper. It sent me laughing so hard I got a tummy ache after reading it. Okay, I won't tell anymore about it.
In the meantime, I will just amuse myself by reminiscing the poet who died a long time ago. Alas, her wit remains...

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