Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Time for Reflections

Another day. Another year. For some people it's a time to reflect on the year that was. For others, it's just another year. Make sure you remember to write 8 on your checks instead of 7. That, I always try to remind myself to do - it can be very tricky if you forget, you know.
Let's see, reflections? I guess it's mostly about career, diet, finances. I used to write my goals for the year on new year's eve - that was when, I never have to worry about rent, about bills and lots of bills, and more bills. Then after awhile, I realized I forgot to do most of them, so I decided to write a two year goals list - which after two years, I forgot not just to do them but forgot where I put that damn list! grrrr!
So, I thought of something - and this is major! Since this will comprise of my whole lifetime. I've decided to write my goals in life! - doesn't matter what year I am able to accomplish it so there wouldn't be any pressure - whew! I even wrote it on a notebook - to make sure I can easily spot it. Now, if only I can remember where I put it. Darn!
Okay, okay, no need to panic.
This year, I've decided to just let things be. Que cera cera. I'm too stressed out thinking I needed to do this, do that. Simplicity is my theme this year. Making things simple. No complications. Yeah, I like that word, just plain simple.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

love that...SIMPLE!

Happy New Year =)