Saturday, February 2, 2008

Today's epiphany

I read somewhere a long time ago, that in this life, there are three things you must do before you die. One is hug a tree. Second, write a book. Third - hmm, honestly, I can't remember. So, you might as well make up something according to your liking. So, for me, my third one would be...(thinking....pouting....thinking....) Okay! I can't come up with one at this moment. Can I get back to you on that?
The first one (hug a tree), well my parents' house is surrounded by trees - but I never thought of hugging one really. And now, I have been living in the city and if you hug any of those trees, heaven forbid, you might find yourself a squirrel to take home. Yay! I guess right now, this tree-hugging gig ain't gonna happen.
The second one though, writing a book. Now, that sounds more like me (at least that's what I try to convince myself). I have been contemplating on what should be my first book (and probably my last, too!). Should it be a cookbook? Since I cook for a living (if you don't know by now, please see my previous blogs). I am thinking of making it more kid-friendly type, meaning meals that kids would love to gobble down - no questions, no arguments, no negotiations. After all, I cook at a daycare and the kids are growing - vertically and horizontally! But of course, skeptic as I am, I still think that this is too premature of an idea and to hype up on all the inspiration would be...a little too soon...yeah, too skeptic.
On the other hand, why not a novel? But about what? Should it be a mystery, drama, comedy or adventure. Or maybe a horror-thriller where all characters die in the end - all in pieces! Yeah, too bloody.
Wait, what about an interactive one, huh? One that you squeeze in some blank papers for readers to take notes on. (Boink!) Why not just pile a whole slew of papers stitch it together and make a notebook- ya, very original! (another BOINK!).

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