Monday, February 18, 2008

Time to look for katy

There's a point in your life where you find yourself vulnerable to all the crazy elements of society. No matter how good and lucky you are, but it's a big world ( although we grew up singing "it's a small world, after all") and there are A LOT of crazies out there (yes, not just in the cyber world).
After seeing the neighbor picking his own lock (apparently, he lost his keys when he slipped on the icy sidewalk), we found ourselves looking online for a security bar or an alarm system to put by our door.
Let me tell you about this neighbor. He is our new next door neighbor, moved in last December. Started hammering something the first couple of weeks but to our dismay, is still hammering that damn nail (we think he's using a sole of his shoe or the head of a screwdriver) - or he is building a rock climbing wall - ha! but seriously, how many nails can you hammer in such a small apartment? And this neighbor keeps on introducing himself everytime you see him (cookoo alert!). So I suppose you would understand our sense of fear for this loonie or for any other loonie who lives on our floor and in our building.
The other night, an hour after midnight, a guy who lives a few doors down, forgot he was cooking some hotdogs and most likely, fell asleep! What an idiot! The alarm went off, there was a lot of smoke in the hallway and when we were about to leave our apartment, the old lady who lives a couple of doors away says, "it's ok, somebody just forgot a weiner on the stove". Couldn't help but laugh afterwards - that damn ass forgot his weiner on the stove! ha! And to top it off, he denies he had his weiner left on the stove. We saw about three firemen come in his apartment, hopefully they gave him a good whack on the head! Another idiot!
(sigh) It's a big world alright. Lots of space for idiots and loonies to roam around. Anywhere you look, there will always be somebody around the corner who's on the borderline of loonieland.
But hey, what can I say, this country's dollar is called a loonie. Need I say more?


Catherine said...

LOL! Yes, too many loonies in the world and I'm one of them =)

To one of your neighbors that keeps introducing himself, next time you see him before he introduce himself again, make sure to say hi and say his name...just to freak him out. Then he'll probably think that the FBI is on him.

rein said...

haha! true. i'll try to do that next time.