Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Some Year-ender sense

After some searching for a pic to post in here, I came across this small notebook that has my handwriting on it - which I find odd, like it's a blast from the past! Yeah, the handwriting was just perfect! Even I was impressed! - how odd can that be?
Anyways, I would like to share or sort of engrave this list that I found rather interesting. Although, I can't remember where I got it from.
Here it is:
10 Most Significant Characteristics (of people, I suppose)
1. The #1 fear among all people is rejection. (very true, don't you think?)
2. The #1 need among people is acceptance. (amen)
3. To manage people effectively, you must do it in a way that protects or enhances their self-esteem. (uh-huh)
4. Everybody approaches every situation with at least some concern about "what's in it for me?" (in most cases, we'd rather do something that is beneficial to others and us)
5. Everybody prefers to talk about things that are important to them personally. (correct!)
6. People hear and incorporate only what they understand. (coz how can you incorporate it when u don't understand it, right?)
7. People like, trust and believe those who like them. (how can you trust somebody when they don't like you?)
8. People often do things for other than the apparent reasons. (uh..ok)
9. Even people of quality can be, and often are, petty and small. (we're all in the same planet after all)
10. Everybody wears a social mask. You must look beyond the mask to see the person. (which brings back to number 7, we only like and trust who also likes and trusts us.)

So there, honestly, I can't remember where and which book I got this from. But back then, it made some sense to me when I read it - why I wrote it down. And now, I think it still makes some sense, don't you think?

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