Monday, December 24, 2007

Presents...presents...and more presents!

Ahhh...the joy of the season! specially for kids! what can I say? Presents left and right.

This year I don't know what got into most of the parents at the daycare and they remembered the cook! - But it was a very nice gesture that is always welcomed with open are always nice but cash is better i think...hehe. I called in sick for a day last week and when I came back this morning, there they are - my presents! wooohooo!!! I couldn't believe it! I had to double check the door I went in. Double check the tags, yep, they're mine alright. Hmmm...I realized working here wasn't so bad after all - well, after about 3 years in mere existence, they thought of me this season - not that I mind, let me tell you. But I guess, yep, junior is growing up!

After work, I felt the urge to go out and see how people on this planet go on frenzy about the holidays. Not much really. We even found a parking spot right away! - But it's too damn cold out there. Man, I ask myself over and over, "why am I here?" - no seriously, why am I here?

I grew up in the tropics - no snow. I repeat. NO SNOW. Life's more laid back. Daydreaming most of the time.....the joys that was. STOP!

Anyways, life is still good. Hey, I did get presents and more presents this year!

Happy Holidays to you and your family!

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