Wednesday, December 26, 2007

In hot water...

I never thought I'd miss the hot water. But during winter - when it's about 19 below, 15, 17 or even just around 7 below, but the word BELOW is the key - and there you got to be chillin' - literally!
My apartment building, for the love of God, hasn't had any decent-flowing hot water for almost 2 weeks now. Okay, now before you start calling me stinky, I still take a shower - a very quick one in the morning and still clean up at nite before I go to bed. But the usual "hot-bath-to-relax" after work ain't happenin'. Just ain't babe. So those who gave me bubble baths or foam baths as presents, well, it just has to wait.
We've been living in this building for more than 4 years now and I think we've seen it all - oops! okay not all, wait...we had times when the elevator didn't work, got stranded/trapped for a few minutes, we've seen a fire in the building on the 8th floor (somebody forgot they have turkey in the oven! - people pay attention!), there was a day or two with no water, another fire by the mezzanine floor (caused by some deranged tenant who thought of burning a couch), we've had crazy neighbors too (one who comes out of his apartment at exactly 11:45 at night and starts talking to the wall - or I don't know, maybe there was somebody there) - apparently, this ex-tenant "was" a patient at the Douglas Mental Hospital. He's no longer in this building after he attacked his mother and nearly killed her. Okay gossip people...that's too much info now.
So, you asked, why am I staying here? ...Sure we could have moved a long time ago, but there are several reasons why we chose to stay a bit longer.
1. Despite the fire incidents (which is just 2 since we got here) , we learned that this building, though over forty years old is fire proof - well each apartment is protected in a way that a fire will be contained in one place for at least two hours.
2. It is across a fire station.
3. It is across a police station.
4. My workplace is just about 2 minutes away. (door-to-door calculation)
5. It's all included (meaning heat and electricity is included in the rent) - that's why we can run the computer and the a/c 24/7 during summer.
Whew!.. I think it's still an okay place to be in after all.
So I guess I will just have to wake up early as in around 4 am tomorrow morning to be able to catch that hot water flow and take my morning shower.
Wish me luck.


Catherine said...

eeekkss!! You're right... BELOW, is the word! We Californian's complain when the temp goes 30 degrees or lower. I guess I should have them read your blog =).

Also, here I am complaining when my daughters takes a little bit too long of a shower and wait for 10 more minutes to have a decent hot water... thanks for the reality check.

Anonymous said...

Remember the big blackout in the Northeast back in Aug 2003? I had no power for 24 hours, AND I lived on the 27th floor. Think about it- no elevator, no water (need electricity to pump it up), and it was HOT because it was during a heatwave and of course there was no A/C. But it was actually fun to look back on. I remember sitting out on my balcony looking over the darkened city, just seeing flashlight beams as people walked around, and listening to the silence and looking up at all the stars above that are usually blotted out by the city lights.
