Saturday, December 22, 2007

Just what matters most

There's something about living in another country. During the first year, you wonder about a lot of things - would you stay, how can you stay, how would you live, where would you live. All basic necessities. Then the second year, you get to be semi-settled (depending on your situation), and you begin to get homesick, missing your family, your friends, your dog. It can get pretty lonely. But thanks to the internet, it got easier to deal with. Then on your third year, you start to wonder if you ever gonna have real friends. The kind that you left back home, the kind of friends you grew up with. And then you look, you search for them. You get to find some that seem to be for keeps, but the feeling is not mutual. And then there are some who wants to be your friend for reasons that unfortunately you don't share the same.
Then by the fourth , fifth or even sixth year, you find someone. You don't want to get your hopes up but you hope and wish and pray. That this friend will not turn out differently. Different alright, compared to the ones you've met in the early years. But nice-different. One you can count on. Who calls you and checks on you if you're still alive. One who tells you straight up about what you're about to do is not such a pretty good idea. One who argues with you and still calls you the next day. One who takes the stairs 5 storeys high (coz the elevator isn't working) just to give you some lozenges. I really appreciate that. I didn't get the chance to tell her verbally - (hint: the lozenges) but that was really nice. I never expected it but it was a welcomed surprise.
I hope things work out between us. I know we missed a couple of seasons, but we're still here. And for now, I know that's all that matters.

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