Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Last party of the season

You might think I'm a desperate blogger - trying to "blog" in as much as I can before the year ends...hmmm...I think I am! yay!
It's 12:38 am (don't mind the clock written @ the bottom of this). Friends just left. 2 friends to be exact. The only two friends who are brave enough to taste what I bake, eat what I cook. Now, now, I'm not being hard on myself. After all, I cook for a living. And I cook for an average of 80 kids and 13 adults everyday. So, I guess I should be good, eh?
Actually, they weren't gonna come over since they got stuck somewhere (that is yet to be disclosed) and Bing sent me an SMS that they might not be able to drop by. So, we packed the food away - and what do you know, she sent me another SMS saying they are on their way if we're still up. And we were. (still up, watching The Sound of Music)

Movie paused.
Doorbell buzzed.

Talked and talked some more. And laughed and talked. I remember we used to have fun when we did some camping trips together. Just the four of us. Oh..those days...
Well, summer will be here soon (I think)...after a gruesome winter and then spring..ya, I believe it will be soon. And hopefully, we'll have more camping trips together.
I promise as one of my resolutions to post more pictures, more senseless commentaries and every now and then make some sensible quotes on this blogsite for the coming days.
Now, I have to "un"pause the movie...."the hills are with the sound of mu...sic..."

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