Saturday, December 29, 2007

Filipino 101

Being Filipino can mean a lot of things. We should start with some "traditions" of the Filipinos done in welcoming the new year.
As my mom would always have it, we will clean our house - from top to bottom, wall to wall, and not even a dust in the cupboards. The new year should be welcomed with a very clean house, for what reason, well, so it would be easy for good luck to come through.
After all the dusting, scrubbing, we then go to the market to buy some fresh "round" fruits - there should be 12. Buying grapes in 12 doesn't count, I don't think. As much as possible it should be 12 different round fruits. These they say brings good luck and good fortune (being round and all). I wonder if the plastic ones count, since they never spoil and you will have to dust them every now and then. I should ask my mom for that one.
As much as you can afford it, there should be a lot of food on the table. Our family would usually have the pork bbq(to which my brother is always in-charge), meat spaghetti, purple yam (specially made by my father), hot chocolate, ham and cheese. I think that is our usual menu for new year's eve. Food should comprise of some noodles (for long life), sweets for uhmm..the sweet tooth??, All I remember, there should be plenty so for the whole year you won't get hungry.
Then come midnight, if you want to grow taller, you should jump at the strike of 12. Obviously, I didn't jump high enough. Also, it's good to wear clothes with circles on it, round designs - for wealth. And put some coins in your pocket - so you won't have an empty one the whole year through. Why not put bills instead? It's much lighter.
On new year's eve, neighbors have to brag about what kind of fireworks they got - whoever has the loudest and the brightest - it is said to veer away evil spirits. Our dogs never appreciate those, why we have to keep them inside a closed room in the house.
I haven't experienced this New Year ritual for 5 years now and I think I'm beginning to miss it. Back home the streets are so much noisier, louder - that you get scared to go out of the house because you might get hit by loose firecrackers. Yeah, I miss those times.
Now, I just find myself cleaning the apartment (not that I don't do general cleaning every now and then), buying some round fruits (maybe not 12), wearing something with circles/round shapes on it (which for this year will be my pjs). Nope, I don't need to jump at the strike of midnight, but I will be cooking something sweet (how about a nice mocha fudge cake), a chicken bbq (if I'm up to it), and some spaghettini and a hot tea. I think that should do. And yeah, I will put some coins in my pocket - or bills perhaps?

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Blame it on the weather

The sun didn't show up today. It's not that I was expecting it since they said that it will be a cloudy day today - for some reason I refused to believe that. Oh well, what's a girl to do, but to go to work and earn a decent living. Nope, no complainers. Not today.
Just that when the sun doesn't show up, I feel a sudden mood change. Don't you feel the same way, too? I felt like the world stopped when the weather is all gloomy. You just want to curl up in bed and stay in your pjs all day long - ahhh that's life!
I went home early and was thinking of cooking up something different for lunch (I came home at quarter to 1) - but then again, nah, I'm too exhausted - ya, putting the fish sticks in the oven, sure, mere exhaustion...
I wasn't really in the mood to eat our leftover "chinese cuisine", eventhough it was really good (sue, didn't do too bad at all, to think there's not a drop of asian blood in her, or so I think), I felt like eating something different - to make the long story short, we ended up heating the leftovers and done! No more leftovers. Okay!
Then after checking mails, emails, we decided to watch The Joy Luck Club. As if we can't get enough of chinese inspirations. (sigh). But it was okay. I've seen that movie for the nth time. Then I start thinking about my mom, how I made her life a nightmare growing up....ask her, maybe she would tell. I dare you.
So all this feeling absolutely bland the whole day - eating leftover chinese food, and watching chinese movies, I have to end it. It has to stop. Right now.
We are having spaghetti for dinner. Ciao!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

In hot water...

I never thought I'd miss the hot water. But during winter - when it's about 19 below, 15, 17 or even just around 7 below, but the word BELOW is the key - and there you got to be chillin' - literally!
My apartment building, for the love of God, hasn't had any decent-flowing hot water for almost 2 weeks now. Okay, now before you start calling me stinky, I still take a shower - a very quick one in the morning and still clean up at nite before I go to bed. But the usual "hot-bath-to-relax" after work ain't happenin'. Just ain't babe. So those who gave me bubble baths or foam baths as presents, well, it just has to wait.
We've been living in this building for more than 4 years now and I think we've seen it all - oops! okay not all, wait...we had times when the elevator didn't work, got stranded/trapped for a few minutes, we've seen a fire in the building on the 8th floor (somebody forgot they have turkey in the oven! - people pay attention!), there was a day or two with no water, another fire by the mezzanine floor (caused by some deranged tenant who thought of burning a couch), we've had crazy neighbors too (one who comes out of his apartment at exactly 11:45 at night and starts talking to the wall - or I don't know, maybe there was somebody there) - apparently, this ex-tenant "was" a patient at the Douglas Mental Hospital. He's no longer in this building after he attacked his mother and nearly killed her. Okay gossip people...that's too much info now.
So, you asked, why am I staying here? ...Sure we could have moved a long time ago, but there are several reasons why we chose to stay a bit longer.
1. Despite the fire incidents (which is just 2 since we got here) , we learned that this building, though over forty years old is fire proof - well each apartment is protected in a way that a fire will be contained in one place for at least two hours.
2. It is across a fire station.
3. It is across a police station.
4. My workplace is just about 2 minutes away. (door-to-door calculation)
5. It's all included (meaning heat and electricity is included in the rent) - that's why we can run the computer and the a/c 24/7 during summer.
Whew!.. I think it's still an okay place to be in after all.
So I guess I will just have to wake up early as in around 4 am tomorrow morning to be able to catch that hot water flow and take my morning shower.
Wish me luck.

I miss the most....

Last party of the season

You might think I'm a desperate blogger - trying to "blog" in as much as I can before the year ends...hmmm...I think I am! yay!
It's 12:38 am (don't mind the clock written @ the bottom of this). Friends just left. 2 friends to be exact. The only two friends who are brave enough to taste what I bake, eat what I cook. Now, now, I'm not being hard on myself. After all, I cook for a living. And I cook for an average of 80 kids and 13 adults everyday. So, I guess I should be good, eh?
Actually, they weren't gonna come over since they got stuck somewhere (that is yet to be disclosed) and Bing sent me an SMS that they might not be able to drop by. So, we packed the food away - and what do you know, she sent me another SMS saying they are on their way if we're still up. And we were. (still up, watching The Sound of Music)

Movie paused.
Doorbell buzzed.

Talked and talked some more. And laughed and talked. I remember we used to have fun when we did some camping trips together. Just the four of us. Oh..those days...
Well, summer will be here soon (I think)...after a gruesome winter and then spring..ya, I believe it will be soon. And hopefully, we'll have more camping trips together.
I promise as one of my resolutions to post more pictures, more senseless commentaries and every now and then make some sensible quotes on this blogsite for the coming days.
Now, I have to "un"pause the movie...."the hills are with the sound of mu...sic..."

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Some Year-ender sense

After some searching for a pic to post in here, I came across this small notebook that has my handwriting on it - which I find odd, like it's a blast from the past! Yeah, the handwriting was just perfect! Even I was impressed! - how odd can that be?
Anyways, I would like to share or sort of engrave this list that I found rather interesting. Although, I can't remember where I got it from.
Here it is:
10 Most Significant Characteristics (of people, I suppose)
1. The #1 fear among all people is rejection. (very true, don't you think?)
2. The #1 need among people is acceptance. (amen)
3. To manage people effectively, you must do it in a way that protects or enhances their self-esteem. (uh-huh)
4. Everybody approaches every situation with at least some concern about "what's in it for me?" (in most cases, we'd rather do something that is beneficial to others and us)
5. Everybody prefers to talk about things that are important to them personally. (correct!)
6. People hear and incorporate only what they understand. (coz how can you incorporate it when u don't understand it, right?)
7. People like, trust and believe those who like them. (how can you trust somebody when they don't like you?)
8. People often do things for other than the apparent reasons. (uh..ok)
9. Even people of quality can be, and often are, petty and small. (we're all in the same planet after all)
10. Everybody wears a social mask. You must look beyond the mask to see the person. (which brings back to number 7, we only like and trust who also likes and trusts us.)

So there, honestly, I can't remember where and which book I got this from. But back then, it made some sense to me when I read it - why I wrote it down. And now, I think it still makes some sense, don't you think?

Monday, December 24, 2007

Presents...presents...and more presents!

Ahhh...the joy of the season! specially for kids! what can I say? Presents left and right.

This year I don't know what got into most of the parents at the daycare and they remembered the cook! - But it was a very nice gesture that is always welcomed with open are always nice but cash is better i think...hehe. I called in sick for a day last week and when I came back this morning, there they are - my presents! wooohooo!!! I couldn't believe it! I had to double check the door I went in. Double check the tags, yep, they're mine alright. Hmmm...I realized working here wasn't so bad after all - well, after about 3 years in mere existence, they thought of me this season - not that I mind, let me tell you. But I guess, yep, junior is growing up!

After work, I felt the urge to go out and see how people on this planet go on frenzy about the holidays. Not much really. We even found a parking spot right away! - But it's too damn cold out there. Man, I ask myself over and over, "why am I here?" - no seriously, why am I here?

I grew up in the tropics - no snow. I repeat. NO SNOW. Life's more laid back. Daydreaming most of the time.....the joys that was. STOP!

Anyways, life is still good. Hey, I did get presents and more presents this year!

Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Home Alone 1

I'm home alone for the first time in a long time and have been waiting for this day for awhile. And now here it is - and I don't know what to do. Or maybe what to do first.
So first, I watched a movie- which I have seen for about 5 or 6 times already. Then I type away. Yes, type away....that's what I'm doing typing away...whatever I can think of. Wherever my mind takes me. Whichever letters my fingers hit....just typing away...
Seriously, living with somebody for awhile and then getting used to seeing that person every time can make you long for a "me- day". And although it wasn't really intentional, since we were both invited to go to a dinner party of some sort, the thought of having the whole space to myself is actually very enlightening....and encouraging in fact. Can't you tell I was able to type away so much today....typing away....
I am so ecstatic about this whole blogging thing - very stimulating I suppose.

So, it's best to just type away....

Just what matters most

There's something about living in another country. During the first year, you wonder about a lot of things - would you stay, how can you stay, how would you live, where would you live. All basic necessities. Then the second year, you get to be semi-settled (depending on your situation), and you begin to get homesick, missing your family, your friends, your dog. It can get pretty lonely. But thanks to the internet, it got easier to deal with. Then on your third year, you start to wonder if you ever gonna have real friends. The kind that you left back home, the kind of friends you grew up with. And then you look, you search for them. You get to find some that seem to be for keeps, but the feeling is not mutual. And then there are some who wants to be your friend for reasons that unfortunately you don't share the same.
Then by the fourth , fifth or even sixth year, you find someone. You don't want to get your hopes up but you hope and wish and pray. That this friend will not turn out differently. Different alright, compared to the ones you've met in the early years. But nice-different. One you can count on. Who calls you and checks on you if you're still alive. One who tells you straight up about what you're about to do is not such a pretty good idea. One who argues with you and still calls you the next day. One who takes the stairs 5 storeys high (coz the elevator isn't working) just to give you some lozenges. I really appreciate that. I didn't get the chance to tell her verbally - (hint: the lozenges) but that was really nice. I never expected it but it was a welcomed surprise.
I hope things work out between us. I know we missed a couple of seasons, but we're still here. And for now, I know that's all that matters.

When I write I feel...

I saw these words in oriah's website and thought that it could give me a chance to explore my writing prowess or my writing talent that slept way too long -it's been ages, as in really ages. I was too busy wishing, hoping for my life to turn out into something - busy looking, searching - when I know I have it all along - all these years. Going to another country, living a new life, a new environment, new people, I never thought I'd get back to what I loved doing since I was 11.
So, let's see, when I write I feel - some sadness that I didn't do it often. I feel a sense of joy that I can express myself freely without any pretense. A sense of control, not of the world but of the words that comes out of my mind.Writing is more of like talking to yourself without any inhibitions.
My late aunt has always told me to start a career in writing - i wrote a letter read during her funeral - i would have loved to read it myself but I am thousands of miles away - i promised her that I will write a book - er, one day. That day hasn't arrived yet. What am I waiting? I don't know.
Life as I have seen it the past 5 years (or more) wants so much. There are some decisions you make along the way that you have to live up to, contend to that you forget the most important things in your life - that make you -you.
I remember how I felt writing my first poem when I was 11. About friendship. I showed it to my mom, and my siblings. I was proud. Heck I even showed it to my science teacher. Yes, I was closer to her than my english teacher. I kept putting my feelings into words until I finished school. And then....nothing more. I felt it was too adolescent doing poetry and such. Until, some close relatives die, then I thought of writing eulogies - sad way to put it.
But above anything else, writing is one thing I can transfer my feelings to paper (screen) without feeling awkward and silly if I end up crying after.
I hope this is the start. I hope I can muster my courage again to write another one.