Monday, March 24, 2008

Nutellics Anonymous

This holiday weekend, I think I made new fans of nutella out of two kids (9 and 7). Sunday, when we all woke up a bit late to prepare a grand breakfast, I offered them to try my "favorite thing in the whole world"! And they look at me, as if to say, "she's gone bonkers".
Well, my name is Rein and I am a nutella addict.
My love affair with nutella started when we bought nutella from the store! Silly. I've always loved hazelnuts and with...chocolate? Mmmmmm, yummmm! Before, we'd be sitting watching a movie and Sue and I will have this craving for nutella. We'd fish out some soda crackers and spread nutella on it....yah...spread some loooove babe..
This madness continued on for awhile until unfortunately for Sue (but fortunately for me), she got tired of eating nutella. So, I held the fort. Ha! All for me???? YESSSSSSSS...
Whenever we go shopping, I make sure that I have a nutella-advance-stock in our pantry. I know I mentioned sending some to my brother (to recruit him as well). But for some crazy reason it always skips my mind. Funny, 'coz the ad said nutella will help make your brain function well. - Oh, I think only for kids, eh?
I am seeking therapy. NOT!. Why should I, nutella tastes good. And if somebody asks me what 3 things will I be taking to a deserted island, my answer would be, toothbrush, toothpaste, and....nutella! ...or maybe, a box of soda crackers, a spreader, and nutella! how about that!
Okay enough of this craziness. I only have nutella sandwich for breakfast. And when I get home from work, or when I need an energy boost!
Which reminds me, I need one right now. WOOooooohoooooo!!!


Anonymous said...

Yummy.... Hazelnut spread. Nutella, which i also love. Nutella will drive you nuts. You must have notice, 'm nutty about your stories. Try nutella with vanilla ice cream.


Anonymous said...

I was denied Nutella as a child, and to this day I have never tasted this strange nutty concoction.


Catherine said...

too funny, i've heard of nutella but not tried it, maybe i can grab one next time i'm at the store. and maybe...just maybe, you intentionally forget to get some for Rex so you can have it all by yourself or by the time you're ready to send it to him you say to yourself... nah, he wouldn't like this, then more for you...hehehe