Thursday, March 20, 2008

Cuts like a Knife

...Actually, I was cut by a knife. I cut myself this morning at work while chopping some onions. Yes, it hurts. No, I didn't cry (well almost). But I tell ya, it woke me up! Okay, I wasn't dozing off but I didn't have any energy at all - specially when I learned I don't have the main dish to cook. And instead of stressing myself out, I felt so stressed to be stressed.
This is the second time it happened to me with the same knife but the 4th time I cut myself while working at the daycare. Yes, I got rid of the dull knives that wanted to chop my fingers off. My __boss prefer I use a new cheap knife than to get me a good knife and a very good sharpener. Oh well, life goes on. Maybe if my fingers ends up in a soup kids eat then she will wake up and give me a good set of knives. Eeeeow! that's way too creepy now eh. Okay, enough of this psycho sick-to-the-bone-morbid thought.
Let's get to some analogy shall we? A knife like any other person that comes along in your life, can be as sharp as new - you have to get to know each other before you can maximize the potential of your knife-knifer relationship. (knifer, I made this up, better than cutter). You have to get that groove on how to swing it, so that there'd be no arguments or discussion when you are both pursuing an important goal. Like any other relationship, there will be ups and downs - how you cut the onion is different as to how you cut the tomato. Or better yet use another knife for that. You don't want the juices out of the tomato before you can even benefit from it.
Yay! what an analogy. Maybe it's really not my day today so I better shut it.
Tomorrow could be slightly better. So, until then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A knife can be sharp or blunt at times. Just like the surroundings, we have to adjust to things. Human beings at times can be so mean, they even tend to have this crab personality, pretending that they are happy for you... bt deep within themselves they would pull you down. Once a person is down, they would pretend to empathzied (not sure if its the right word, anyway...)but inside them they are so happy.
Guess some people are really like that. Dnt you think?
We need to choose our friends these days. Just like trust, we cant trust people right away.

Anyway.... just look at the brighter side of life.
We are really Blessed.

You made my day brighter and happier....

hope to