Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lost and Found

Yesterday (Saturday - in case you didn't know), I found a long lost friend of mine or rather she found me - again. It gave me an odd feel at first, thinking, "we've lost connection after high school and to think she drifted away from our group mid sophomore year, now what could we possibly talk about (other than high school updates)?" But after a couple of hi's and hello's, it just clicked - like we both knew where to pick up the conversation.
Yes, I thought of her every now and then, like when you would think of some people who came and went in your quaint life. When somedays you get to have odd moments where the world just stood still and you think of how the people you knew from the past is doing. Honestly, I never expected we'd ever talk to each other again. Other than probably the usual adding of batchmates to your friendster profile.
Nevertheless, I am glad. No, I am more than glad to be friends with her again. I just hope it's for keeps this time around. No more drifting away.
Come to think of it, most of us,we find comfort in having people we've known during our younger years. You got to admit it. It's like being with family. That no matter what your differences were or are, no matter what you've become, that part of you, the part that longs for a connection becomes alive. Is it because, you don't really have to pretend or put a mask or make a good impression like when you meet new people? I guess.
There's already a foundation either nurtured through the years, or left to be nurtured anew.
Now, I am getting serious about these things again. Sorry, it's the weather here - it seems like it's all-year winter season.
But yes, suddenly I find myself missing her, missing people in my past that I have fondest memories of. Don't you just love the surprises that life brings you?
For sure, I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have always missed you Rein. Its feels good to find a lost friend. No matter how far a person is, nor you have comunicated with them. There's always this feeling you would treasure. I thank you for being a BFFF. Will always pray for your safety and hug you when i sleep.