Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Crossing borders

There is a borderline of friendship that can only be seen if you cross it. I don't know if that came out right but I hope it did.
A lot of books have been written about friendship, about how to nurture it, cherish it, remember it. Hmm, so far I haven't come across one that tells the don'ts. So, I guess we just have to come up with one as we go along the way. (to where I don't know)
One recent DON'T is don't judge your friend. Never assume you know your friend and tell it to their face what you think you know WHO they are. Never! Never do! Come to think of it, just because you hang out and you talk a lot on the fone every single day, you STILL don't have the right to accuse your friend of being somebody she is not. If I can only write all these on Caps without appearing too anal, I would. It's upsetting enough to hear harsh words from a non-friend, what more from a friend?
Now the Do side of this one is, if you plan to kill the friendship and not to hang out anymore, by all means, assassinate your friend (right to her face) and tell her how miserable you think she is, how a chronic complainer she is, how she didn't show any "compassion" to your miseries in one of the darkest hours of your life while you were sulking and your partner was shoveling the snow (out in the cold). Then by all means, DO! Do tell!
Whew! So you think you know somebody, when that somebody whom you call your good friend, thinks she has you all figured out.
I suggest to think any words that will come out of your mouth before you even speak it. As the saying goes, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all" (or something to that effect).
And that my friend, is true.

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