Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Auto-matic Day

I was in auto-pilot mode today. Like I am just doing what I was supposed to be doing without even thinking or stressing. Do you ever feel like that? Do you have days when your body just automatically does what it usually does.
I walked to work with my mind set on counting how many minutes does it take from point A (for apartment) to point D (for daycare). It took me 12 minutes. And that includes some stops at the intersection, stop at the bus stop (one lady wearing stiletto shoes tip toeing on the icy sidewalk) - so I had to slow down and wait for her to get her butt off the sidewalk (I almost asked her, why wear those anyway? it's still winter, lady!). Okay, breathe in. breathe out.
At the daycare, I knew what menu to cook for today. And I knew I couldn't make it the way I make it. So, comes auto-pilot or in my case, auto-cook. I don't know, but I just put things all together. And hope. And pray. That somehow, it will end up tasting as close to how I "usually" prepare the dish. I putter around the kitchen. Thinking of nothing really - coz my auto-cook is at work. Hey, I didn't even have to listen to classical music today (as my di stresser), I felt like listening to regular pop radio! Sure, my hands are working, but my brain is geared to auto mode. I guess you can call it, I am not myself today.
Obviously, there are benefits of having the auto-pilot at work. No stress. No worrying of how things will end up. The side effects? It made me so bored, by midday, I wanted to go home. I felt like I didn't do anything much. Good thing my auto-cook reminded me that I get paid by the hour and not by the day. So, the day passed and voila! kids are well-fed, couldn't get enough of the food, the adults even asked how I made it.
Oh, if they only knew. My auto-cook did all my day's work.

1 comment:

Mai Dee said...

chores.... just need to do it. Our mind is so powerful that it can control the whole us. At times we just want to lay back and wishing the day would just end. Even if the new day comes.... it could be still the same. Yet, we dnt knw for sure what will happen. We stil need to hold on...
