Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just a bad dream...

Do you ever wake up chest feeling heavy, like you've cried so hard during your sleep? I do, and I just did.
I dreamt (one I can remember) was there's an exchange program of some sort, and people has to host one or two of these "guests"(i don't know where they came from). And in this dream(or nightmare), if there are two of you living in an apartment, one has to move out and go somewhere that "they" have designated to accomodate these "guests". So, Sue and I has to separate ways, and me having the dinner business, has to stay put. Sue left and I started panicking when I learned I don't have anybody to help me do the business. That's why I have chest pains when I woke up. For some stupid dream.
Sometimes, there are things you don't realize can affect you so bad, it can make your eyes watery and chest hurts like there's a ton of bricks laying on you while you sleep. For me, it's one of the worst feelings to have, specially when you are still asleep! Sleeping is supposed to relax your body. And you are "supposed" to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. Not me. Not today. I am not ready to start the day. I feel crappy and sad and heavy (must be that time of the month).
Nope, I am not in the mood to start lecturing about dreams and all that. I am thinking of how to make my day "uncrappy" - would nutella make a difference? what about shopping? or cleaning? or baking?
Oh, I think I'd just go back to bed and sleep again.


Anonymous said...

Dreams are the images, thoughts and feelings experienced while asleep. I usually express this as you are afraid to be separated from the one you love or vice versa. To be alone… is the worst situation anyone can be in and it's frightening.Try to get some rest before sleeping, your body and mind should not be tired when you sleep.
Losing or being separated from the person you love is painful. I know that.

Please dont drink coffee.


Catherine said...

While reading your post, I was thinking..oh! i'll comment on having a Nutella so you'll feel better but you said it already.

Hope you have a good day!