Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Vacation Anxiety (Disorder) - NOT!

I have three more days to go. Three more days to tolerate the crazy people at work. Three more days to keep it together. Hummm....Breathe in breathe out. Hummm...
There's something about vacations. Actually, this is my first real vacation since I worked here in Tralaland. I say real, because the past years, I would take a week's vacation and still work at the other job. Yes, you read it right, I would just take a week off. Somehow I would feel sorry for the little monsters not being fed right if I'd be gone long (say, straight 2 weeks?)
But this year is different. I just have to take a long one. And long I meant, just two weeks straight - unadulterated, uncut, no other work, and not even think of finding another job or doing another job.
Yes! I am gonna savor every minute of it. Every second. And perhaps every ounce of sweat - since if you haven't noticed lately it seems like we are inside a giant oven turned at 375 degrees.
So you might ask, what are my plans? Nothing! I just left it all to Sue and I will just adhere to whatever she would like to do and wherever she wants to go. And of course camping is one. Hey, the possibilities are endless. I have two weeks!
The only irony about vacation days is it comes to an end. It does. But I believe that having one shouldn't be a guilt trip to anybody. We all deserve it. Otherwise, we'd go bonkers and our work productivity gets affected. I just wished they could be longer. Without the worries of paying bills, rent, and tons of other bills. Hmmm....I think I just wished to win the lottery!
I should buy that ticket. Ciao!

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