Friday, July 25, 2008

?Road signs

Can you imagine the road without signs? Well, there are some that you don't know if you're going in circles or squares - we were lucky we just had to turn around a couple of times - no more than that. Yep, sometimes the road and the map just gets confusing - specially if the roads seem to look all the same. And yes, I "think" I've learned to read the map - hmm...did I say, I think? Let's leave it at that, shall we?
So here is the second slide of pictures. I suggest you click on the music. It'll be fun.

If you're asking if we saw even a shadow of a moose or a deer - hell no! We've seen some hit and run creatures left in the middle of the road (or sometimes at the right lane).Creatures like : skunk, rodent, fox, cat, hat, remnants of a truck tire, etc.
And nope we didn't dare travel at night - a lot of scary creatures out there!

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