Friday, July 25, 2008

The weather on cloud Nine or just Seven

Heya my furry friends. I am back - from vacation and I think I need another one right away!

As promised (or did I?), here's the first slide of pictures. I will first show you what the weather was like during our roadtrip. From day one til the day that we went home. Take note that these were taken starting from the province of Quebec to the province of New Brunswick. We took the scenic route going and took the regular (a little boring) route back.

Don't worry, this is just the first of the many slides I will show you. Hey, I can only do so much here...I am still on vacation mode.
You may have noticed that most are taken while on the road, that's what you do if you don't drive and is the passenger ALL THE TIME.
Well then, I hope you enjoyed this first one.

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